MANTRA Chain: The Tokenization Track


MANTRA is a Security-first RWA Layer 1 Blockchain, capable of adherence and enforcement of real-world regulatory requirements. Built for Institutions and Developers, MANTRA offers a Permissionless Blockchain for Permissioned applications. To all the hackathon participants - this is your chance to build and innovate on a blockchain built with compliance and scalability in mind. Whether you're creating dApps that manage real-world assets or pushing the boundaries of decentralized finance, MANTRA provides you with the secure, permissionless infrastructure to make it happen. With our Cosmos SDK foundation and support for IBC and CosmWasm, you can build interoperable applications that scale. Good luck, and we’re excited to see what you build!

Developer Documentation

Key Features

  • Built using Cosmos SDK, IBC compatible, with CosmWasm supported
  • Secured via a sovereign PoS validator set
  • Scalable up to 10k TPS
  • Built-in Modules, SDKs, and APIs to create, trade, and manage regulatory-compliant RWAs
  • Improved User Experience to onboard non-native users and institutions to Web3

DAPPs & Telegram Bots

1. TG Bot to Pull Data from MANTRA Chain

Develop a Telegram bot that integrates with MANTRA Chain to fetch key data like:

  • Address balances: Real-time updates on token balances for any address.
  • Block details: Provide details of specific blocks, including transactions and validators.
  • Real-time updates: Push notifications for network events, transactions, and block creations.
  • On-chain transaction execution: Enable users to execute on-chain transactions directly from Telegram.

2. Airdrop Tool

Create a customizable airdrop tool to distribute MANTRA Token Service tokens. The tool should allow detailed configuration, such as distribution based on user activity, wallet balances, or other criteria.

3. Token Management Tool

Build a tool to issue and manage tokens on MANTRA Chain:

  • Integration with the Token Factory for creating new tokens.
  • Support for CW20s, the standard used for fungible tokens in CosmWasm ecosystems.

4. RWA Launchpad for Tokenized Real-World Assets

Design a platform to enable the tokenization and launch of Real-World Assets (RWA) on the blockchain. This platform will allow users to:

  • Tokenize real estate, art, commodities, or other real-world assets.
  • Launch and manage RWA tokens using the MANTRA Token Service.

5. Sybil-Proof Faucet

Build a faucet that uses Sybil resistance mechanisms to ensure that users claiming tokens are unique individuals, reducing the risk of exploitation by bots or fake accounts.

6. ERC404 Standard for Cosmos / MANTRA Chain

Implement the ERC404 standard for the Cosmos ecosystem and MANTRA Chain. For more information about this standard, check out ERC404.

7. Chain Analytics Dashboards

Develop analytics dashboards for MANTRA Chain. These dashboards can visualize:

  • On-chain metrics, such as transaction volume, block times, gas fees.
  • Token activity and user adoption over time.

8. Digital Asset Registry

Create a registry system for the secure and verifiable ownership of digital assets. This system will allow users to register ownership of digital items like NFTs, tokenized assets, and intellectual property.

9. Rare Collectible Marketplace

Build a marketplace for buying, selling, and trading rare digital collectibles, focusing on unique and high-value items such as limited edition NFTs.

10. Luxury Watch Trading Platform

Develop a specialized marketplace for the trading of luxury watches, combining blockchain tokenization for ownership verification with an online marketplace for watch enthusiasts.


1. Library for Interacting with MANTRA via Python

Create a Python library that allows developers to interact with MANTRA Chain. This library should facilitate tasks such as:

  • Querying on-chain data.
  • Sending transactions.
  • Interacting with smart contracts and tokens.

2. State of Contract Forking Tool

Develop a tool that allows developers to "fork" the state of a contract from the main chain to a testnet. This will enable testing with the same contract state as the production environment.

3. Webhooks for Chain Actions/Alerts

Implement webhooks that trigger actions or alerts based on specific blockchain events. This can be inspired by Alchemy’s blockchain webhooks.

4. Tool for Gas Profiling

Create a gas profiling tool to help developers optimize smart contracts for gas consumption. You can check out DAODAO’s integration tests for inspiration.

5. Smart Contract Static Analyzer

Build a static analysis tool for smart contracts, similar to Slither (see Slither on GitHub). This tool will help analyze vulnerabilities, security flaws, and inefficiencies in smart contracts.

Wildcard: Real-World Assets and Tokenization

Propose innovative solutions for Real-World Asset Tokenization and related applications. This could range from new ways of verifying asset ownership to improving the liquidity of tokenized assets in decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms.