🌟 Buildathon Winners
🥈 Runner-Up:
on-chain game mechanics engine
Throttle Aspect for Artela
Write a throttle aspect to throttle contract call .
🏅 Honorable Mentions:
在AMM中,当交易执⾏后,pool的价格滑点到达某个区间时 则JIT触发限价单执⾏
Aspectide - Aspect IDE
Aspectide is an initiative with a mission to reshape the landscape of smart contract development by providing a lightweight, web-based IDE and application
Empowering AI from every corner of the world
Create a simple game that more people will love
AAH Vote Escrow Token Boost Aspect
This addresses the issue of high gas consumption and the limitations on the number of iterations when executing loops in Solidity.
RingSig Protocol
Use ASPECT preContractCall to Verify whether the user come from a KYC CEX using the input TX
Artela Analytics Aspect
The project is geared towards analyzing the transactions based on the wallet addresses and track the interactions the smart contracts
Taking into account the characteristics of Aspect's Jump points and the speed of WebAssembly (WASM), we aim to develop a real-time AML system. By bridging the data between off-chain and on-chain realms, while safeguarding user privacy, we seek to maximize the reduction of money laundering and malicious currency exchange opportunities, thus earning everyone's trust.