⭐️ Introducing Artela

🤩 Start here to learn more about Artela is about

What is Artela

Artela is an extensible blockchain network enabling developers to build feature-rich dApps.

Artela is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of dApp functionality beyond smart contracts, unlocking the full potential of Web3 innovations.

introducing Artela.png

Artela Blockchain

Artela Blockchain is a layer 1 network that empowers developers to add user-defined native extensions and build feature-rich dApps.

Aspect Programming

Aspect Programming is a universal programming framework that supports the dynamic creation of native extension modules for blockchain at runtime.

💡💡💡 Recommended reading! This guide will help you learn Aspect programming quickly!!

💯 Now you have developed an understanding of Artela, it is time to get down to BUIDL.

⭐️ Build on Artela

Basic recourses👇👇

🚀 Quick start!

Let's learn Artela by quickly starting with the Hello World project! The code will show you everything!!

👉 Quick Start: deploy your first smart contract on Artela EVM.

👉 Quick Start: try your first Aspect on Artela!

Now, we believe that you

  • have a basic sense of Artela technology,
  • have installed and tried Artela dev tools,
  • know how Aspect works, and know how Aspect makes dApp different and great!

You might even already have lots of exciting ideas about building on Artela!

📖 Learn more if need

Let’s delve into Aspect and your idea!

Learn more detailed concepts of Aspect, and you will know what it can do for your idea and what it can’t.

If you are very interested in the deep Aspects, you should not miss those concepts.

💥 Build with examples

There are many examples of Aspect projects in our repository.

Checkout, build, and modify! When you try to build a complex Aspect, this path will save you from many basic problems in using the basic API.

Examples that show how to use the basic library

Real use cases that show how to apply to specific dApps

📲 Join our dev channel

On your trip to Artela dApps, you will meet with lots of issues cause we just launched our first testnet😂

Join our support tech group on Discord! Report to us if you

  • meet bugs
  • unclear documents
  • debug difficultly

Thank you for building on Artela! Let’s open the world of Aspect and new dApps!!!

📖 Guide Example

Guide on deploying a smart contract example:

Build a simple storage contract on Artela

Create a ERC-20 token on Artela

Guide on deploying an Aspect example:

Reentrancy Guard By Aspect

🧩Aspect Usecase


Runtime Protection Aspect


One-Session Key for One-Click Trading
