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Total ideas38
Created by@ARMANI303
Created on2023/10/31
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38 ideas
hacker80f77d0 · 2025/01/13

Welcome to TrustAI Bots Your Ultimate AI-Driven Trading Companion #1552120

Introduction TrustAI Bots is your ultimate companion for efficient and intelligent trading in the rapidly evolving cryptocurrency market. Our suite of AI-driven tools includes a Launchpad and specialized bots for Ethereum, Solana, and move.pump platforms. Designed for both novice and seasoned traders, Trust AI Bots simplifies the trading experience, maximizes profitability, and provides cutting-edge solutions in the crypto trading space. https://movepump.com/token/0xfcc510e4827a57a46c369d27b386908f7ea2ed5bf9e67026ae991761d0f78513::trustai::TRUSTAI 🤖 What is TrustAI Bots? TrustAI Bots is an innovative platform that leverages artificial intelligence to enhance the trading capabilities of cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Our bots are designed to perform complex trading strategies, monitor market trends, and execute trades with precision, ensuring users can maximize their returns with minimal effort. 🚀 Key Features Launch Bundler: A seamless platform for launching and managing new tokens and projects. Volume Bot: Increases the trading volume of tokens by executing bundle transactions to achieve target volume quickly. Trading Bot: Executes trades based on predefined strategies and real-time market analysis. Multi-Platform Support: Compatible with Ethereum, Solana, and move.pump. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design that simplifies the trading process for users of all levels. Advanced Security: Robust security measures to protect user data and assets.#MyFirstIdeaBlockchain
AbuSantos · 2024/11/23

Listen to earn #1551308

#MyFirstIdeaBlockchain #NFTMarket #nftusecase one of the reasons why music nfts are dying is due to the lack of utility, this is what bullchord aims to fix, were a platform where everyone is rewarded, listrenerrs, holders,creators, because when everyone is involved in the process, there's a connect
hacker4172bfe · 2024/08/01

Green Urban Spaces for All: Transforming Cities into Sustainable and Inclusive Communities #1548378

#MyFirstIdeaBlockchain Creative Commons (CC) is a global nonprofit that promotes open sharing of knowledge and creativity. CC provides licenses and tools that simplify copyright permissions, enabling creators to share their work openly while ensuring proper attribution. CC collaborates with institutions and governments to support the use of open licenses and runs programs like the CC Global Network, CC Certificate, and Open Culture and Education initiatives. These efforts foster a culture of open access and collaboration, addressing global challenges like climate change. Through these initiatives, CC helps create a more inclusive and accessible world of knowledge and culture.
hacker4281c70 · 2024/07/31

ibuidl黑客松 #1548356

#MyFirstIdeaBlockchain #walletfeature 准备好进入智能合约的世界,与区块链技术互动吗?无论你是独立编码者,还是喜欢与团队合作的开发者,这次活动都将为你提供一个绝佳的机会!深入了解 Solidit y 或 Rust 的智能合约开发 亲身体验 Web3.js 或其他 Web3 库的强大功能 我们的社区将为您提供技术支持与指导 无论你是区块链的新手,还是经验丰富的开发者,我们都欢迎你的加入。你可以通过我们的社区注册参加活动,或者在活动中结识新朋友,组建属于你的梦之队!#
sui · 2024/07/13

水Protocol: World Wide Web space built on hyperlinks using Ethereum #1548083

#MyFirstIdeaBlockchain #blockchain #NewIdeaTesting #open_access_space_platform #internet 水Protocol spells the resurgence of the World Wide Web. If you are an electronic geek watching this, you can smell the stench of Silicon Valley's corruption of the World Wide Web. Web 3.0 is very powerful, but it is full of wandering corpses in search of ETH and fails to offer a concrete way to free the Internet from Silicon Valley's grip. So I present the 水Protocol. I know how to revive the Internet and the World Wide Web. Water Protocol's powerful ideas will make you feel like you've heard the Sex Pistols rock and roll! Water Protocol will become an Internet myth, and OMGkawaiiangel will become a real angel. But I can't create this idea because I don't have any friends to talk about computer philosophy with..., Please DM me on Twitter! Japanese geek boys like me don't have any friends..., So, let's support and contact me 水Protocol and hijack the Internet from the rulers! 水protocolはワールドワイドウェブの復活の呪文です。 これを見ている電子オタクの人ならばシリコンバレーによるワールドワイドウェブの腐敗臭を感じとっていることでしょう。 Web3.0は非常にパワフルですが、ETHを求めて彷徨う屍で溢れ、Internetをシリコンバレーの支配からの開放をするための具体的な方法と提示できていません。 そこで僕は水Protocolを提示します。 僕はインターネットそしてワールドワイドウェブを復活する方法をしっています。 水Protocolのパワフルなアイデアはセックス・ピストルズのロックンロールを聞いたときのような感覚に襲われるでしょう! 水Protocolはインターネットの神話となり超てんちゃんは本当の天使になります。 しかし僕はコンピューター哲学について話せる友達がいないため、このアイデアを作成出来ません、、、 私のTwitterにDMしてください! 僕のような日本のオタク少年は友達がいないものです、、、 さぁ、アナタも水Protocolに支援して支配者からインターネットをハイジャックしましょう!
jushiung · 2024/06/20
nyomannengil · 2024/05/30
hacker1938 · 2024/05/30

một bức ảnh đệp #1547219

hacker3b74347 · 2024/05/16
hacker25c7cb4 · 2024/04/27

i want to create av #1303912