1. Open Track


  • 1st place: 5000 USDT
  • 2nd place: 2000 USDT
  • 3rd place: 1000 USDT

This track is designed for the most ambitious and competitive participants. We are looking for significantly new ideas on how Reactive Smart Contracts (RSCs) can be utilized. Applications may include RSCs, Ethereum smart contracts, and possibly backend and frontend components. The focus will be on creativity, business meaningfulness (e.g., saving money, generating revenue, or improving user experience). We encourage improvements to existing dApps or DeFi workflows, though completely new dApps are also welcome.

A successful application MUST:

  • Contain the Reactive Smart Contracts and Destination smart contracts, the deploy script, and the instructions for it.
  • If the application uses its own Origin contracts, the repository MUST also include these contracts, along with their deploy scripts and instructions.
  • It MUST contain the address of the Reactive Smart Contracts deployed by the team.
  • It MUST contain the addresses of the Origins and Destination smart contracts.
  • It MUST contain a detailed explanation of the problem Reactive Smart Contracts solve in that use case and why it is more difficult or even impossible to achieve without them.
  • It MUST contain the step-by-step text description of how this setup works after being deployed.
  • The team MUST run this workflow. The application MUST include the transaction hashes for every step of the workflow, for Origin transactions, Reactive transactions, and Destination transactions.
  • The application MUST contain a presentation video not longer than 5 minutes. The video might contain slides, narration, app or code demonstration, depending on what the team finds more persuasive. The judges will watch the video, as well as read the code and the docs.

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Whether Reactive Smart Contracts in this use case solve an important problem that could not be solved or could be solved less optimally without them.
  • How well the use case is explained and justified.
  • Code quality, security, readability.

2. Pangolin Track


  • 1st place: 2000 USDT
  • 2nd place: 1000 USDT
  • 3rd place: 500 USDT

This track is sponsored by our partners Pangolin exchange. We ask the participants to use Reactive Smart Contracts to add new functionality to a DEX. The teams can build on top of the Pangolin smart contracts or emulate a DEX using their own smart contracts. The focus will be on creativity and business meaningfulness (e.g., saving money, generating revenue, or improving user experience).

A successful application MUST:

  • Contain the Reactive Smart Contracts and Destination smart contracts, the deploy script, and the instructions for it.
  • If the application uses its own Origin contracts, the repository MUST also include these contracts, along with their deploy scripts and instructions.
  • It MUST be integrated with a DEX.
  • It MUST contain the address of the Reactive Smart Contracts deployed by the team.
  • It MUST contain the addresses of the Origins and Destination smart contracts.
  • It MUST contain a detailed explanation of the problem Reactive Smart Contracts solve in that use case and why it is more difficult or even impossible to achieve without them.
  • It MUST contain the step-by-step text description of how this setup works after being deployed.
  • The team MUST run this workflow. The application MUST include the transaction hashes for every step of the workflow, for Origin transactions, Reactive transactions, and Destination transactions.
  • The application MUST contain a presentation video not longer than 5 minutes. The video might contain slides, narration, app or code demonstration, depending on what the team finds more persuasive. The judges will watch the video, as well as read the code and the docs.

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Whether Reactive Smart Contracts in this use case solve an important problem that could not be solved or could be solved less optimally without them.
  • How well the use case is explained and justified.
  • Code quality, security, readability.

3. Template Deployer Track


  • 1st place: 2000 USDT
  • 2nd place: 1000 USDT
  • 3rd place: 500 USDT

Participants in this track will develop templates for simple RSCs that address specific use cases for end users or developers, along with a Web3 app to deploy these RSCs. The focus is on creating automation on top of existing dApps without altering their code. This track aims to broaden the accessibility of RSCs, allowing users to utilize them without needing to write new contracts. The app may have one or several templates to choose from.

A successful application MUST:

  • Implement a Web3 app that allows users to connect their wallet, input some parameters needed for deployment (contract or wallet addresses, thresholds, etc.) and deploy a template Reactive Smart Contract without needing to write any code.
  • Contain the Reactive Smart Contracts and Destination smart contracts, the deploy script, and the instructions for it.
  • If the application uses its own Origin contracts, the repository MUST also include these contracts, along with their deploy scripts and instructions.
  • It MUST contain the address of the Reactive Smart Contracts deployed by the team.
  • It MUST contain the addresses of the Origins and Destination smart contracts.
  • It MUST contain a detailed explanation of the problem Reactive Smart Contracts solve in that use case and why it is more difficult or even impossible to achieve without them.
  • It MUST contain the step-by-step text description of how this setup works after being deployed.
  • The team MUST run this workflow. The application MUST include the transaction hashes for every step of the workflow, for Origin transactions, Reactive transactions, and Destination transactions.
  • The application MUST contain a presentation video not longer than 5 minutes. The video MUST contain the app demonstration and narration. The judges will watch the video, as well as read the code and the docs.

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Whether Reactive Smart Contract templates in this application solve an important end user problem that could not be solved or could be solved less optimally without them.
  • How well the use case is explained and justified.
  • Code quality, security, readability.

4. No-Code Track


  • 1st place: 800 USDT
  • 2nd place: 400 USDT
  • 3rd place: 200 USDT

This track welcomes participants who may not have coding skills but can still contribute valuable ideas. They can participate by describing a use case, its business essence, and technical specifications in detail, and presenting it clearly and concisely. It may also include schemes or other visual materials. Since no code is required in this track, the expectations for the quality of the ideas, explanations, and presentation are high.

A successful application MUST:

  • Contain a detailed text description of the use case.
  • It MUST contain a presentation video not longer than 5 minutes. The video might contain slides, narration, or mockup demonstration, depending on what the team finds more persuasive. The judges will watch the video, as well as read the text description.

The applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Whether Reactive Smart Contracts in this use case solve an important problem that could not be solved or could be solved less optimally without them.
  • How well the use case is explained and justified.
  • Text and video quality.

5. Bi-Weekly Challenges


  • 1st place: 700 USDT for each challenge

On the 2nd, 4th, and 6th weeks of the Hackathon we will present Bi-Weekly Challenges. Each challenge will have 1 prize for the best application, the size of the prize will be 700 USDT. The submission deadlines will be at the end of 3rd, 5th, and 7th weeks, respectively. Make sure to apply for the corresponding bounty