Workshops (Dates to be finalized)

Date Event Link
August 14 (Wed) Reactive Network, ReactVM, and Dynamic Subscriptions (2:00 PM UTC) Watch
September 5 (Thu) Master the Basics of Reactive Network: Workshop with EatTheBlocks (3:00 PM UTC) Watch
September 11 (Wed) Introduction to Reactive Hackathon, Tracks, Judging Criteria, and Q/A (2:00 PM UTC) Watch
September 18 (Wed) Introduction to Reactive Smart Contracts (2:00 PM UTC) Watch
September 25 (Wed) Workshop with Partner Projects 1 Watch
October 02 (Wed) Workshop: Building Cross chain dApps using Reactive Network Watch
October 9 (Wed) Workshop with Partner Projects 2 Watch

Workshop 1: Reactive Network, ReactVM, and Dynamic Subscriptions (August 14 at 2:00 PM UTC)

Workshop 2: Master the Basics of Reactive Network: Workshop with EatTheBlocks (September 5 at 3:00 PM UTC)

Watch on YouTube

Workshop 3: Introduction to Reactive Hackathon, Tracks, Judging Criteria, and Q/A (September 11 at 2:00 PM UTC)

Workshop 4: Introduction to Reactive Smart Contracts(September 18 at 2:00 PM UTC)