

Step 1: Submit Hackathon Registration Form

All participants must submit the registration form: https://forms.gle/4pNpmp92pnX2wWSZ8. Whether you are participating as a team or currently ungrouped, you need to submit this form. Please note that each member of the project team must also submit the registration form.

Step 2: Join the Official Hackathon WeChat Group or Discord

  • For Chinese Participants: Please add WeChat (ID: yikuailianxi) and join the “2024 Polkadot Hackathon Participants Group.” After joining, please change your group nickname to "Name - Project Name" or "Name - Individual" (if you have not yet formed a team).

  • For English Participants: Please join our Discord and select the "Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Singapore & Bangkok" channel. Please change your Discord username to "Name - Project Name" or "Name - Individual" (if you have not yet formed a team).

Step 3: Build Your Project (From the Date of Successful Registration)

For projects created during the "Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Singapore & Bangkok":

  • After registration, please promptly fork the polkadot-hackathon-2024 repository to your team member's repository.

  • Then create a directory named after your project in the Projects (Singapore or Bangkok) section and place an empty file or README within it, briefly introducing the project.

  • Submit a Pull Request to polkadot-hackathon-2024 to reserve your project directory. ⚠️ Please note that we will add a serial number to the directory name, so please perform a Pull operation in a timely manner.

For projects already created in other GitHub repositories before the "Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Singapore & Bangkok":

  • After registration, you must create a new branch in your existing repository and submit a Pull Request to polkadot-hackathon-2024, listing the existing functionalities before the hackathon and the new features to be completed. The name of the new branch must be: polkadot-2024-hackathon.

We encourage projects to make multiple staged submissions to GitHub so that judges and mentors can review the code. If your project cannot open-source the code, please contact the OneBlock+ staff. Subsequently, all code related to the project must be placed in the directory named after your project, and the format must comply with the following regulations.


Until the submission deadline, projects can only modify files within their directory and submit Pull Requests to polkadot-hackathon-2024. The submission deadline for the Singapore Hackathon is August 28, 12:00 a.m. (UTC+8), and for the Bangkok Hackathon, it is October 23, 12:00 a.m. (UTC+8).

Step 4: Mentor Guidance (Optional)


  • Singapore Hackathon: 08.19 - 08.23

  • Bangkok Hackathon: 09.26 - 09.27

If your project requires guidance on technical, product, business, or financing aspects, you can receive mentorship after completing the following tasks:

  • Your GitHub project must have relatively complete code and documentation.

  • Prepare questions in advance related to project development, promotion, and other issues encountered, which must be relevant to the hackathon.

The mentor lineup consists of experienced Substrate developers and investment institutions, providing advice and support on technology, product, business, and financing aspects.

⚠️ Please note: Whether your project ultimately wins an award depends on your own efforts and decisions. The organizers are not responsible for the success, award status, or other outcomes of the participating projects.

Step 5: Submit Initial Review Materials

Submission Deadlines:

  • Singapore Hackathon: August 28, 12:00 a.m.

  • Bangkok Hackathon: October 23, 12:00 a.m.

Project code must be submitted to the polkadot-hackathon-2024 repository. Within one week of registering for the hackathon, teams must clone the polkadot-hackathon-2024 repository and create a project directory. In the README file, list the code functionalities planned to be completed during the Singapore or Bangkok Hackathon (no more than 1000 words), and submit a Pull Request to polkadot-hackathon-2024.

Each team must submit at least one entry. The submission must be in English and include (the more comprehensive, the better):

  • Project Name

  • Project Creation Date

  • Project Background (including but not limited to: provide the project GitHub link, participation in other hackathons, application for Web3 Foundation Grant, received any funding?

⚠️Please answer truthfully. If the team deliberately conceals information and the judges discover that you have submitted duplicate content or used W3F Grant submissions to participate in the competition, the judges will deduct points at their discretion during the initial review.)

  • Problem to be Solved

  • Project Overview

  • Demo Video

  • Technical Architecture

  • Project Logo

  • Team Information

  • Selected Bounty

  • Planned Code Deliverables during the Hackathon (e.g., blockchain side, web side, user registration page, etc.)

  • Project Completed During the Hackathon

⚠️ Please note: Do not directly submit the demo video and PPT to GitHub. Provide links to them in the README, such as YouTube or Google Drive links. The video duration should not exceed 6 minutes.

Before the code submission deadline (Singapore Hackathon: August 28, 12:00 a.m.; Bangkok Hackathon: October 23, 12:00 a.m.), list the final functionalities completed during the hackathon in the README. Place the related code in the "src" directory. We will focus on the technical evaluation of these codes.

We provide examples of excellent previous GitHub submissions for reference: https://github.com/parity-asia/hackathon-2022-winter/tree/main/teams/01-RedStone_Network.

Entries must be submitted before the specified deadlines (Singapore Hackathon: before August 28, 12:00 a.m.; Bangkok Hackathon: before October 23, 12:00 a.m.). Late submissions will be invalid.

⚠️ Kindly note: By participating in the hackathon, you agree that the organizers may collect and maintain your personal information for the purpose of operating and promoting the hackathon.

Step 6: Online Pre-Demo (Optional)


  • Singapore Hackathon: 08.31 - 09.01

  • Bangkok Hackathon: 10.26 - 10.27

After submitting the code, teams can apply for a 10-minute online demo to describe their project and answer technical questions from the mentors during the initial review. If the team believes their documentation is clear, code is understandable, and tests are thorough, they can choose not to participate. The pre-demo can influence the initial review results, potentially increasing or decreasing the chances of advancing.

Step 7: Submit Demo Day Materials

  • Confirm the selected Bounty

  • Demo video (no more than 6 minutes, You can also not submit)

  • Project PPT




Step2:加入黑客松官方微信群或 Discord

  • 中文报名者:请添加微信(ID:yikuailianxi),加入「2024波卡黑客松参赛群」。入群后,请将您的群备注修改为“姓名 - xx项目”,或“姓名 - 个人”(如果您尚未组建团队)。

  • 英文报名者:请加入我们的 Discord 并选择「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Singapore & Bangkok」频道。请在 Discord 中将您的用户名修改为“姓名 - xx项目”,或“姓名 - 个人”(如果您尚未组建团队)。


  • 对于在「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 新加坡&曼谷黑客松」期间创建的项目:报名后请尽快将代码库 polkadot-hackathon-2024 Fork 到您的团队成员的代码库里。然后在Projects(Singapore or Bangkok) 中创建一个以您的项目名称命名的目录,并在其中放入一个空文件或 README,简要介绍该项目。 向 polkadot-hackathon-2024 提交一个 Pull Request,以保留您的项目目录。

⚠️ 请注意,我们将在目录名称前添加一个序号,请及时进行 Pull 操作。

  • 对于在「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 新加坡&曼谷黑客松」之前已经在 GitHub 其他仓库创建的项目:报名后必须在自己已有的代码库里创建一个新的分支,并向 polkadot-hackathon-2024 提交 Pull Request,列出黑客松之前已有的功能和将要完成的新功能, 新分支的名字必须是:polkadot-2024-hackathon。

  • 我们鼓励参赛项目分阶段、多次提交 GitHub,以便评委和导师审核代码。如果参赛项目不方便开源代码,请联系 OneBlock+ 的工作人员。之后,所有与项目相关的代码都必须放置在以您项目名称命名的目录中,保存形式必须符合以下规定。


  • 在截止提交之前,参赛项目只能修改其目录中的文件,并向 polkadot-hackathon-2024 提交 Pull Request。新加坡黑客松的截止提交时间是8月28日12:00 a.m.(UTC+8),曼谷黑客松的截止提交时间是10月23日12:00 a.m.(UTC+8)。



  • 新加坡黑客松:08.12 - 08.16

  • 曼谷黑客松:09.26 - 09.27


  • GitHub 项目有较完整的代码和文档。

  • 提前准备好项目开发、推广等过程中遇到的问题,问题必须与黑客松相关。

导师阵容由 Substrate 资深开发者和投资机构组成,将为参赛团队提供技术、产品、商业和融资等方面的建议与支持。

⚠️ 请注意:参赛项目是否最终赢得奖项,取决于项目自身的努力与决策,主办方不对参赛项目的成败、获奖情况或其他结果承担责任。



  • 新加坡黑客松:8月28日12:00 a.m.

  • 曼谷黑客松:10月23日12:00 a.m.

参赛项目的代码必须提交到 polkadot-hackathon-2024 仓库。 在报名黑客松的一周之内,团队必须 Clone polkadot-hackathon-2024 代码库并创建一个项目目录。在 README 文件中,列出在新加坡或曼谷黑客松期间计划完成的代码功能(不超过1000字),并向 polkadot-hackathon-2024 提交 Pull Request 。

  • 每个团队必须提交至少一个参赛作品,提交内容必须为英文版本。参赛作品内容包括但不限于(越全面越好):



3.项目背景(包括但不限于:提供项目 GitHub 链接,是否参加过其他黑客松?是否申请过 Web3 Foundation Grant?是否获得过融资?⚠️ 请如实回答,如果团队蓄意隐瞒,评委方发现提交重复内容来参赛,或者用W3F Grant 的提交内容来参赛,评委将在初审时候酌情扣分。)



6.Demo 视频


8.项目 Logo


10.选择参与的 Bounty

11.黑客松期间计划完成的代码项(如区块链端、Web 端、用户注册页面等)


⚠️请注意:不要将演示视频和 PPT 直接提交到 GitHub,请在 README 中提供指向它们的链接,例如 YouTube 链接或 Google Drive 链接。视频时长不得超过6分钟。

  • 在代码截止提交时间之前(新加坡黑客松:8月28日12:00 a.m.;曼谷黑客松:10月23日12:00 a.m.),在 README 列出该项目在黑客马拉松期间最终完成的功能。将相关代码放在“src”目录中。我们将重点关注这些代码的技术评估。

  • 我们提供了往期 GitHub 优秀提交案例,可参考:https://github.com/parity-asia/hackathon-2022-winter/tree/main/teams/01-RedStone_Network

  • 参赛作品必须在规定的截止时间内提交(新加坡黑客松:8月28日12:00 a.m.之前;曼谷黑客松:10月23日12:00 a.m.之前),超时提交无效。

⚠️ 温馨提示:参加黑客松即表示同意主办方出于运营和宣传黑客松的目的,收集和维护参赛者的个人信息。

Step.6 Online Pre-Demo(Optional)


  • 新加坡黑客松:08.31 - 09.01

  • 曼谷黑客松:10.26 - 10.27

团队在提交代码后,可以申请10分钟的在线 Demo,描述项目,回答导师在技术初审的技术问题。

  • 如果团队认为文档清晰,代码易懂,测试完善,也可以不参加。

  • Pre-Demo 也会影响到初审结果,增加/减少出线机会都可能。

Step.7:提交 Demo Day 材料

  • 确定选择的 Bounty

  • Demo 视频(不超过6分钟,可以不提交 Demo 视频,视频可以是中、英文)

  • 项目 PPT(PPT 必须是英文)