
Project introduction

Acala is building the liquidity layer for web3 finance that is captive and sustainable. It aims to provide infrastructures for HyFi (DeFi+CeFi) solutions with crypto and real-world assets. Acala offers a Universal Asset Hub that hosts multichain liquid staking token (LST) protocols (such as liquid DOT - LDOT), an AMM decentralized exchange, and an app platform that is EVM-compatible and highly customizable (based on Substrate). Acala is secured by Polkadot, and is the liquidity gateway of Polkadot parachains and L1/L2 blockchains.

Bounty proposition

  • Innovation in liquidity, staking, LST

  • Utilize one-click crosschain DeFi stack: e.g bridge and stake, bridge and LP, and or other type of cross chain interactions

Bounty prize

  • Up to $3,000 worth of ACA token

Reference materials

Vara Network & Gear

Project introduction

Vara Network is the first stand-alone layer-1 decentralized network built and running on top of Gear Protocol. With its innovative parallel computing architecture and unique features such as Delayed Message, Gasless & Payless Transaction, Vara Network serves as an optimal playground for next-gen GameFi, DeFi, experimental features, and more. Vara accommodates various modern use cases, making it an ideal choice for developers already in Web3 and those transitioning from Web2.

Bounty proposition

  • Build GameFi, DeFi, ZK, Telegram Mini App and any other creative dApp based on Vara Network.

  • Utilize unique features provided by Vara Network in your dApp.

Bounty prize

  • $3,000 worth of Vara Token

Reference materials


Project introduction

Bifrost is a Liquid Staking app-chain tailored for all blockchains, utilizing decentralized cross-chain interoperability to empower users to earn staking rewards and DeFi yields with flexibility, liquidity, and high security across multiple chains.

Bounty proposition

  • You can build anything around SLPx and vTokens, not limited to defi or cross-chain use cases.

Bounty prize

  • Up to $1,500 worth of BNC token

Reference materials

Crust Network

Project introduction

Crust Network is a purpose-built layer 1 blockchain providing decentralized storage and hosting solutions on top of IPFS. By offering guaranteed, immutable, and decentralized storage with full data ownership, Crust empowers both developers and end-users to utilize decentralized storage resources at scale, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Bounty proposition

Applications developed based on the Crust Network, including but not limited to Web2 and Web3 applications. The scope is open-ended, but should involve file storage.

Bounty prize

  • $1,000 worth of CRU token

Reference materials


Project introduction

Moonbeam offers an EVM-compatible Layer 1 Parachain. Its compatibility with Ethereum's ecosystem allows developers to use familiar tools and dApps, streamlining the development process. Applications on Moonbeam are ready for the broader market, bridging the gap between development and deployment.

Bounty proposition

Bounty 1:Use a Moonbeam Precompile

Moonbeam has a variety of custom precompiles that offer developers access to powerful features via a Solidity Interface. Some notable precompiles include the Batch Precompile, which allow you to selectively group transactions together, or the Call Permit Precompile, which allows you to provide users with a gasless experience (they don’t need to have any funds for gas). You don’t have to use the Batch Precompile or the Call Permit Precompile, these are simply provided as possibilities. You can use any Moonbeam Precompile.

In your project submission, please specify which Moonbeam Precompile you used and how it helps your application. You can specify this information in your Github ReadME.

Submissions will be judged principally on the following four categories:

  • Technical Excellence - High scoring submissions may demonstrate impressive technical skill and quality of implementation. Teams tackling challenging problems, even if the resulting solution is not fully baked will rank higher.

  • User Experience and Design - Can you abstract away complex cross-chain concepts into a simple and intuitive experience for the end user? High scoring projects will be thoughtfully designed to provide an enjoyable experience for Web3 beginners and veterans alike.

  • Value Proposition - Are you making something users want? The highest scoring submissions will have the potential for significant market adoption due to their clear value proposition.

  • Creativity - Unique projects or new and creative approaches to existing ones will be among the highest scoring submissions. (Copy / paste deployments from other chains will rank lower in this category).


The submission should include a deployment of smart contract code to Moonbase Alpha or Moonbeam and should use a Moonbeam precompile.

Bounty 2:Build a DeFi App on Moonbeam Build an Application on Moonbeam

Moonbeam has a variety of DeFi apps already live on its network, such as StellaSwap, Beamswap, Prime Protocol, and Moonwell. These applications frequently offer opportunities for trading, staking, LRT, yield farming, etc. for opportunistic users. As DeFi is such an integral part of the Moonbeam Network, this bounty has been created to encourage you to launch a DeFi app on Moonbeam. This can be an entirely new application, a DeFi primitive that exists on other chains, or it can be an aggregator, yield optimizer, or any other tool that focuses on DeFi. For example, you could create an application that recommends DeFi pools to users based on the assets that they want to supply.

Submissions will be judged principally on the following four categories:

  • Technical Excellence - High scoring submissions may demonstrate impressive technical skill and quality of implementation. Teams tackling challenging problems, even if the resulting solution is not fully baked will rank higher.

  • User Experience and Design - Can you abstract away complex cross-chain concepts into a simple and intuitive experience for the end user? High scoring projects will be thoughtfully designed to provide an enjoyable experience for Web3 beginners and veterans alike.

  • Value Proposition - Are you making something users want? The highest scoring submissions will have the potential for significant market adoption due to their clear value proposition.

  • Creativity - Unique projects or new and creative approaches to existing ones will be among the highest scoring submissions. (Copy / paste deployments from other chains will rank lower in this category).


The submission should include a deployment of smart contract code to Moonbase Alpha or Moonbeam.

Bounty prize: $500 for each of the bounty, total $1,000.

Blockchain for good

Project introduction

Inspired by the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, the BGA Track seeks to identify and reward innovative projects that use blockchain technology to address critical global issues.

Bounty proposition

Security and Transparency

Goal: Enhance the transparency, traceability, and security of business operations using blockchain technology.

  • Transparency: Blockchain's distributed ledger technology provides completely transparent transaction records, preventing data tampering and fraud.

  • Traceability: Blockchain technology enables end-to-end tracking of products from production to sale, ensuring the reliability and authenticity of product origins.

  • Security: The decentralized and encrypted nature of blockchain improves the security of data storage and transmission, preventing hacking and data breaches.

Life and Health

Goal: Promote healthy living for everyone using blockchain technology.

  • Medical Record Management: Blockchain can be used to store and manage medical records, ensuring data security and privacy while enhancing the efficiency of healthcare services.

  • Pharmaceutical Traceability: Blockchain technology enables end-to-end tracking of pharmaceuticals from production to usage, preventing the circulation of counterfeit and expired drugs.

  • Health Data Sharing: Blockchain facilitates the secure sharing of health data between different medical institutions, improving the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment.

Sustainable Development

Goal: Promote sustainable development, including the use of clean energy, addressing environmental issues, and achieving economic sustainable growth.

  • Clean Energy Trading: Utilize blockchain technology to establish decentralized energy trading platforms, promoting the production and use of clean energy.

  • Carbon Emission Tracking: Blockchain can be used to track and record carbon emission data, helping businesses and governments formulate and implement emission reduction measures.

  • Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Implement transparent management of the entire supply chain through blockchain technology, promoting the sustainable use of resources.

Global Education Development

Goal: Promote inclusive and equitable quality education, ensuring lifelong learning opportunities for all.

  • Credential Verification: Use blockchain technology to store and verify academic degrees and skill certificates, ensuring their authenticity and immutability.

  • Educational Resource Sharing: Establish decentralized platforms for educational resources, promoting the equitable distribution and sharing of quality educational materials.

  • Online Education: Develop secure and transparent online education platforms using blockchain technology, ensuring the security of educational content and student data.

Reducing Inequality

Goal: Reduce disparities in resource distribution within and among countries, addressing issues of inequality in the traditional world.

  • Financial Inclusion: Provide decentralized financial services through blockchain technology to help those who are unable to access traditional banking services.

  • Social Welfare Distribution: Use blockchain technology to ensure the transparent and efficient distribution of social welfare funds, reducing corruption and waste in intermediary processes.

  • Digital Identity Verification: Provide digital identity verification for individuals without official identification, ensuring they have equal access to various social services and benefits.

Bounty prize: $300


Project Evaluation (90 Points)

1.Innovation (20 Points)

  • Evaluation Criteria: Whether the project proposes a unique solution or novel application to address social issues.

  • Specific Indicators: Points of innovation in the solution, differences from existing technologies or methods.

2.Social Impact (20 Points)

  • Evaluation Criteria: The extent of the project's impact on social issues.

  • Specific Indicators: The scale of the population that the solution can serve, the severity and urgency of the social problem expected to be addressed or improved.

3.Sustainability and Scalability (20 Points)

  • Evaluation Criteria: The long-term viability and growth potential of the project.

  • Specific Indicators: Sustainability of the business model, presence of a clear future development roadmap, and the solution's scalability to other fields or markets.

4.Technical Implementation (20 Points)

  • Evaluation Criteria: The complexity and completeness of the technical implementation.

  • Specific Indicators: Design and execution efficiency of smart contracts, system security, and effective utilization of blockchain technology features.

User Experience (10 Points)

  • Evaluation Criteria: Usability and interface design of the product.