Linera Hacakthon Result Announcement

To celebrate the launch of the Linera SDK, the Linera team is organizing the second developer program. The program aims to assist builders in getting started with building on the Linera protocol. It has been a delightful experience over the past 5 weeks to witness the collaboration, exploration, and collective building between global developers and the Linera team. Participants have also gained a comprehensive understanding of building on a highly scalable Layer 1. Now, let's take a moment to appreciate all the winners!


ResPeer is a Peer-to-Peer content publishing application on Linera. ResPeer aims to build a community in which author can publish content to get credits easily and the credits can be used to buy assets.


A fresh take on NFT-Fi on Linera, this project enables users to mint, sell, & chat, all while showcasing NFT avatars.


Linchat is a P2P chat solution prioritizing anonymity & soon, end-to-end encryption.

Linera Link

Linera Link is a web3 application that combines the power of blockchain technology with the simplicity of social connections. The platform empowers creators, supports their work, and makes it easier than ever to give and receive donations.