1. Dates and Timing

  • Submission Period: September 8, 2023 (09:00 Eastern Time) - October 15, 2023 (23:59 Eastern Time).
  • Judging Period: October 16, 2023 (00:00 Eastern Time) - October 18, 2023 (23:59 Eastern Time).
  • Winners Announced: On or around October 19, 2023 (12:00 Eastern Time).

2. Sponsor and Administrator

Sponsor and Administrator: Zefchain Labs, Inc. dba Linera, 447 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, United States

3. Eligibility

The Hackathon IS open to:

  • Individuals who are at least the age of majority where they reside as of the time of entry (“Eligible Individuals”);
  • Teams of Eligible Individuals (“Teams”); and
  • Organizations (including corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other nonprofit organizations, limited liability companies, partnerships, and other legal entities) that exist and have been organized or incorporated at the time of entry.

(the above are collectively, “Entrants”)

An Eligible Individual may join more than one Team or Organization and an Eligible Individual who is part of a Team or Organization may also enter the Hackathon on an individual basis. If a Team or Organization is entering the Hackathon, they must appoint and authorize one individual (the “Representative”) to represent, act, and enter a Submission, on their behalf. By entering a Submission on behalf of a Team or Organization you represent and warrant that you are the Representative authorized to act on behalf of your Team or Organization.

The Hackathon IS NOT open to:

  • Individuals who are residents of, or Organizations domiciled in, a country, state, province or territory where the laws of the United States or local law prohibits participating or receiving a prize in the Hackathon (including, but not limited to, Brazil, Quebec, Russia, Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria and any other country designated by the United States Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control)
  • Organizations involved with the design, production, paid promotion, execution, or distribution of the Hackathon, including the Sponsor and Administrator (“Promotion Entities”).
  • Employees, representatives and agents** of such Promotion Entities, and all members of their immediate family or household*
  • Any other individual involved with the design, production, promotion, execution, or distribution of the Hackathon, and each member of their immediate family or household*
  • Any Judge (defined below), or company or individual that employs a Judge
  • Any parent company, subsidiary, or other affiliate*** of any organization described above
  • Any other individual or organization whose participation in the Hackathon would create, in the sole discretion of the Sponsor and/or Administrator, a real or apparent conflict of interest

*The members of an individual’s immediate family include the individual’s spouse, children and stepchildren, parents and stepparents, and siblings and stepsiblings. The members of an individual’s household include any other person that shares the same residence as the individual for at least three (3) months out of the year.

**Agents include individuals or organizations that in creating a Submission to the Hackathon, are acting on behalf of, and at the direction of, a Promotion Entity through a contractual or similar relationship.

***An affiliate is: (a) an organization that is under common control, sharing a common majority or controlling owner, or common management; or (b) an organization that has a substantial ownership in, or is substantially owned by the other organization.

4. How to Enter

Entrants may enter by visiting dorahacks.io/hackathons/lineraautumn2023 (“Hackathon Website”) and following the below steps:

  • Click 'Register as Hacker'. To complete registration, sign up to create a Dorahacks account, or log in with an existing Dorahacks account.
  • Entrants will obtain access to the required developer tools/platform and complete a Project described below in Project Requirements. Use of the developer tools will be subject to the license agreement related thereto. Entry in the Hackathon constitutes consent for the Sponsor and Dorahacks to collect and maintain an entrant’s personal information for the purpose of operating and publicizing the Hackathon.
  • Create a video that includes footage that explains your project’s features and functionality through a comprehensive demonstration.
  • Complete and enter all of the required fields on the “Submit BUIDL” page of the Hackathon Website (each a “Submission”) during the Submission Period and follow the requirements below.

5. Project Requirements

  • What to Create: Entrants must create a working software application that is built on the Linera SDK in the Rust programming language (each a “Project”).
  • Functionality: The Project must be capable of being successfully installed and running consistently on the platform for which it is intended and must function as depicted in the video and/or expressed in the text description.
  • Platforms: A submitted Project must run on the platform for which it is intended and which is specified in the Submission Requirements.
  • New & Existing: Projects must be either newly created by the Entrant or, if the Entrant’s Project existed prior to the Hackathon Submission Period, must have been significantly updated after the start of the Hackathon Submission Period.
  • Third Party Integrations: If a Project integrates any third-party SDK, APIs and/or data, Entrant must be authorized to use them.

6. Submission Requirements

Submissions to the Hackathon must meet the following requirements:

  • Include a Project built with the required developer tools and meets the above Project Requirements.
  • Provide a URL and access to the Project code repository. The repository must include all relevant Project code and README with getting started instructions that allow viewers to test the Project.
  • Include a text description that should explain the features and functionality of your Project.
  • Include a demonstration video of your Project. The video portion of the submission:
    • should be less than three (3) to five (5) minutes
    • should include footage that shows the Project functioning on the device for which it was built
    • must be uploaded to and made publicly visible on YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook Video, or Youku, and a link to the video must be provided on the submission form on the Hackathon Website; and
    • must not include third party trademarks, or copyrighted music or other material unless the Entrant has permission to use such material.
  • There is no devnet, testnet, mainnet, or token for Linera. Projects must run locally using the Linera SDK. Participation in this hackathon does not guarantee any future token distribution.

Multiple Submissions: An Entrant may submit more than one Submission, however, each submission must be unique and substantially different from each of the Entrant’s other Submissions, as determined by the Sponsor and Dorahacks in their sole discretion.

Submission ownership: Be the original work of the submitter, be solely owned by the submitter, and not violate the IP rights of any other person or entity.

Public Distribution: The Entrant may make the Project available to the public via a website or online store but is not required to do so.

Testing: Access must be provided to an Entrant’s working Project for judging and testing by providing a link to a website, functioning demo, or a test build. If Entrant’s website is private, Entrant must include login credentials in its testing instructions.The Entrant must make the Project available free of charge and without any restriction, for testing, evaluation and use by the Sponsor, Administrator and Judges until the Judging Period ends. Judges are not required to test the Project and may choose to judge based solely on the text description, images, and video provided in the Submission.

Language Requirements

All Submission materials must be in English or, if not in English, the Entrant must provide an English translation of the demonstration video, text description, and testing instructions as well as all other materials submitted.

Team Representation

If a team or organization is entering the Hackathon, they must appoint and authorize one individual (the “Representative”) to represent, act, and enter a Submission, on their behalf. The Representative must meet the eligibility requirements above. By entering a Submission on the Hackathon Website on behalf of a team or organization you represent and warrant that you are the Representative authorized to act on behalf of your team or organization.

Intellectual Property: Your Submission must: (a) be your (or your Team, or Organization’s) original work product; (b) be solely owned by you, your Team, your Organization with no other person or entity having any right or interest in it; and (c) not violate the intellectual property rights or other rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, contract, and/or privacy rights, of any other person or entity. An Entrant may contract with a third party for technical assistance to create the Submission provided the Submission components are solely the Entrant’s work product and the result of the Entrant’s ideas and creativity, and the Entrant owns all rights to them. An Entrant may submit a Submission that includes the use of open source software or hardware, provided the Entrant complies with applicable open source licenses and, as part of the Submission, creates software that enhances and builds upon the features and functionality included in the underlying open source product. By entering the Hackathon, you represent, warrant, and agree that your Submission meets these requirements.

Financial or Preferential Support: A Project must not have been developed, or derived from a Project developed, with financial or preferential support from the Sponsor or Administrator. Such Projects include, but are not limited to, those that received funding or investment for their development, were developed under contract, or received a commercial license, from the Sponsor or Administrator any time prior to the end of Hackathon Submission Period. The Sponsor, at their sole discretion, may disqualify a Project, if awarding a prize to the Project would create a real or apparent conflict of interest.