Updated 336 days ago


NFT-Fi dAPP on Linera

  • Crypto / Web3
  • NFT
  • Defi
  • Linera

Introducing NFT-Fi on the Linera network, where we've build the NFT contract from scratch with ERC-721 standards in mind.

Mint, Sell, and Chat

Create unique NFTs with a single prompt, mint the ones you love, and sell them on our marketplace to earn real rewards. Plus, showcase your style with your NFT avatar in your chats.

To be able to implement an NFT marketplace few of the following things had to be done:

  1. Fetching the price, owner, token ID, tokenURI, this was achieved by sending and recieving message. The buyer chain sends a message asking the details of NFT, The sender chain responds with a message. On recieving the message on the Buyer chain, it destructures the message and recieves the details.
  2. It Transfer the funds from its chain (Sending a cross application Transfer to Fungible application, as discussed in the workshop) to the seller chain.
  3. In the similar fashion NFT is transfered, making changes in both seller and buyer chains

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 06.50.13.png

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 06.50.13.png


  1. Social dAPP: NFT avatars can be used as profile picture and for showcasing
  2. NFT Lending: We already have the marketplace, ownership of the NFT can be transfered to the application (There are two types of NFT owner: User, Application)

Ending Notes:

Special thanks to everyone on Linera Discord to helping us out whenever we were stucked. The fetching of price and other details wouldn't had been possible if the idea was not suggested by the Linera Team