🎉 Bounties 🎉

Below are the list of Bounties

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K9Finance DAO - $10,000


  • Official Liquid Staking Partner of Shiba Inu L2: Shibarium

🚀 BOUNTY: Develop Project on Shibarium

🏆 PRIZE: $10,000 in $KNINE token

Best Overall Project Best learning tool Best analytics tool Best dog themed branding
🥇 $5,000🥈 $2,500 🥉 $1,250 $500 $500 $250


  • The top three overall projects will be awarded prizes, with an additional $1250 available for the best submissions in each category. Hackathon winners can also compete for the best in category awards within the suggested categories.
  • Bonus points awarded for integrating $KNINE/$knBONE. Winning participant(s) will receive ongoing support from K9 Finance DAO to incubate the growth of the project.

Examples/Inspiration 👩🏽‍💻🧑🏽‍💻

  • Launch Platform for New Shibarium Projects
  • Analytics Dashboard for Shibarium
  • Shibarium Validator Tracking Dashboard
  • Educational Liquid Staking Onboarding Product
  • Interactive Quest/Educational Reward Platform


  • Work must be deployed on or connected to Shibarium
  • Bonus points for integrating $KNINE/$knBONE
  • Additional bonus points if project has potential to generate revenue for K9 Finance DAO
  • Solidity Version must be version Paris or below
  • Source code must be published to a Github repository with MIT license



  • Functional prototype highlighting outlined solution
  • Impact on Shibarium
  • Percentage completion
  • Alignment with bounty target
  • Innovation / creativity
  • Sustainability / long term viability
  • Presentation and pitch

Cross Finance - $300,000 USD / 15,000,000 MPX

🏆 Total Prize Pool: $300,000 USD


We combined two most important segments of the global economy in a single app: the banking sector and blockchain technology. CrossFi Chain is a layer 1 blockchain with a modular architecture. It consists of two integral parts, Cosmos and EVM. CrossFi Foundation, the issuer of this bounty, is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering growth and innovation within the Cross Finance ecosystem. Our foundation is committed to supporting users, ambassadors, developers, and validators through various initiatives and grant programs.

🚀 BOUNTY #1: Boost XFI Utility: DeFi


🏆 Total Prize Pool for Challenge/Bounty is 7.5 Million MPX

  • 🥇 1st place 2.5 Million MPX
  • 🥈 2nd place 1.75 Million MPX
  • 🥉3rd place 1 Million MPX
  • 4th-8th place 450,000 MPX


  • At the moment DeFi protocols are dominating the cryptocurrency market, they’re the main driver for blockchain technologies development. These protocols cause the significant increase in total value locked (TVL), which is one of the crucial criteria for evaluating a specific blockchain and its’ native coin. The DeFi sector plays a huge role in increasing the value and liquidity of XFI.


In order to participate in this category we’re suggesting the following directions:

  • Lending and borrowing protocols
  • Automated Market Makers (АММ)
  • Market forecasting
  • Collateralized Debt Positions (CDP)
  • Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD)
  • Yield aggregators
  • Insurance

🚀 BOUNTY #2: Boost XFI Utility: Infrastructure

🏆 PRIZE For Bounty #2 = 4,500,000 MPX

  • 🥇 1st place is 1.5 Million MPX
  • 🥈 2nd place 1.050 Million MPX
  • 🥉 3rd place 600,000 MPX
  • 4th-8th place 270,000 MPX


  • Infrastructure sector is essential for implementing and scaling the blockchain, it significantly impacts the native coin’s liquidity. The more convenient and understandable tools are developed, the more users and developers will be attracted to CrossFi Chain.


In order to participate in this category we’re suggesting the following directions:

  • Cross-chain communications
  • API
  • Indexers
  • Wallets
  • Super Nodes
  • MEV (maximal extractable value) Protection

🚀 BOUNTY #3: Boost XFI Utility: GameFi and NFT


Total Prize Pool of Bounty #3: 3,000,000 MPX

  • 🥇1st place is 1.5Million MPX
  • 🥈2nd place is 1Million MPX
  • 🥉3rd place is 500,000


GameFi and NFT

  • GameFi market is considered to be the next step in games development and their monetization. NFT became a unique phenomenon and is now in a revival stage, through the integration into game mechanics. GameFi and NFT are a proper catalyst to increase both TVL and the quantity of transactions performed, which in turn provide a great push to reinforce the XFI coin’s position.


In order to participate in this category we’re suggesting the following directions:

  • Games (play 2 earn, tap 2 earn, NFT game content)
  • NFT marketplace



Projects scoring

Projects scoring will be carried out by the following criteria:

  • The team and their experience
  • A website and its’ quality (content, visual)
  • Marketing documentation
  • Technical documentation
  • XFI implementation
  • The project must be deployed on CrossFi Chain test network
  • All solutions must be open source
  • Minimum viable product - MVP

CROSS FINANCE - $3000 in GoldRush API credits


🚀 BOUNTY: CrossFi Mini Hackathon by Covalent: GoldRush API Data Bounties

🏆 PRIZE: Bounty Total Value: $3,000 USD (in GoldRush API credits) Awards


  • Covalent is offering a total of $3,000 in API credits distributed between the 3 best projects built on CrossFi using GoldRush dev tools.


  • Projects must use one of the GoldRush developer tools
  • Projects must incorporate on-chain data from CrossFi Chain.
  • Projects should be new and submissions should not be minor additions to existing projects
  • Submissions should include a working demo or prototype


MicroGPT - $5,001


  • Transforming Coding with AI-Powered Precision.

🚀 BOUNTY: AI for Web3 Innovation Challenge

🏆 PRIZE: $5,001 USD

🥇 1st Place 🥈 2nd Place 🥉 3rd Place 🥉4th Place
$2,500 $1,500 $1,000 $1


  • MicroGPT is excited to sponsor the "AI for Web3 Innovation Challenge" at ETH Toronto and ETHWomen. We invite developers to create groundbreaking projects that seamlessly integrate AI with Web3 technologies. Whether it's AI-powered DApps, enhanced blockchain tools, or cross-chain solutions, we want to see your innovative ideas come to life.


  • Projects must be newly developed for this hackathon.
  • Clear demonstration of how AI is integrated with Web3 technologies.
  • Comprehensive documentation of the project, including setup instructions and usage guidelines.
  • A demo or video showcasing the project’s functionality.
  • Open-source code repository.



Innovation and Creativity Impact and Utility Technical Execution Integration and Usability Documentation and Presentation
1. How unique and original is the solution? 1. What real-world problem does the project solve? 1. How well is the project implemented? 1. How seamlessly does the project integrate AI with Web3? 1. How well-documented is the project?
2. Does it push the boundaries of current technology? 2. How significant is the potential impact? 2. Is it robust, scalable, and secure? 2. Is the user experience intuitive and effective? 2. Is the presentation clear and comprehensive?

ICP HUB Canada & US - $1,000 (ETHToronto)


ICP HUB Canada & US Quantum Leap Labs: The Official Incubator
ICP HUB Canada & US is driving the mass adoption of the Internet Computer in Canada 🇨🇦 and the US 🇺🇸. Its primary goal is to promote and facilitate the adoption of the Internet Computer blockchain among developers, businesses, and institutions across North America. Quantum Leap Labs, the official incubator of ICP HUB Canada & US, is dedicated to incubating and accelerating projects aimed at building and growing on the Internet Computer blockchain.

🚀 BOUNTY: Extending Ethereum with ICP

🏆 PRIZE: $1,000 in ICP token

🚀 BOUNTY DESCRIPTION: This track challenged participants to bridge the functionalities of Ethereum with the Internet Computer, creating solutions that leverage the strengths of both platforms. From integrating smart contracts to enhancing cross-chain capabilities, developers were tasked with demonstrating how ICP can extend Ethereum’s capabilities in novel ways. A few examples to build would be utilized threshold ECDSA for key management and fetch EVM on-chain data through HTTP outcalls.


  1. Deploy your project on the ICP mainnet (using cycles)
  2. Build a backend canister smart contract
  3. Use ICP cross chain capabilities (http pitfalls, threshold ECDSA…)



Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3
1. New code implementation 2. Idea and implementation Team Presentation (pitch)

📢 Online Workshop 📘


  • Discover the best practices in developing, deploying, and managing canisters on the Internet computer.

Speakers + Mentors:

  • Anjali Singla -Developer Relations Manager at ICPHub Canada US
  • Chetan Mittal - Developer Relations at ICPHub Canada US

ICP HUB Canada & US - $1,000 (ETHWomen)

🚀 BOUNTY: ICP is Awesome

🏆 PRIZE: $1,000 in ICP token


  • This track is an open invitation for developers to showcase how they can use ICP’s unique features creatively. The aim is to highlight projects that could demonstrate the practical utility of ICP in various applications, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the blockchain.


  1. Build on the ICP mainnet
  2. Deploy a backend canister smart contract
  3. Build original code using an ICP feature (ECDSA, HTTP Outcall, ckBTC, ckETH…)



  1. New ICP relevant code
  2. ICP feature implementation
  3. Idea presentation ( Pitch)

📢 Online Workshop 📘


  • Discover the best practices in developing, deploying, and managing canisters on the Internet computer.

Speakers + Mentors:

  • Anjali Singla -Developer Relations Manager at ICPHub Canada US
  • Chetan Mittal - Developer Relations at ICPHub Canada US

SwarmZero.ai - $1,550


  • Open Marketplace for AI

🚀 BOUNTY: Build an AI Agent with SwarmZero.ai

🏆 PRIZE: $1,550 in USDC

  • 🥇 1st Place: $850 | 🥈 2nd Place: $450 | 🥉 3rd Place: $250


  • Harness the power of our Agent Kit to build AI agents that interact with the dynamic world of Web3. This challenge is focused on creating agents that can engage in DeFi, trading, NFTs, cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, Solana, etc.), and other Web3 applications. Showcase your creativity and technical skills by building functional and innovative agents that push the boundaries of what AI can do in the decentralized web.


  1. Usage of Hive-Agent Kit: The submission must utilize the Hive-Agent Kit for developing the AI agent.
  2. Web3 Integration: The AI agent must interact with Web3 technologies such as DeFi protocols, trading platforms, NFTs, or cryptocurrencies (e.g., Bitcoin, Solana).
  3. Functionality: The AI agent should be functional and demonstrate a clear use case within the Web3 ecosystem.
  4. Originality: The submission must be original and not plagiarized.
  5. Documentation: Provide clear documentation on how to set up, use, and understand the agent.
  6. Demo: Include a demo video or a live demo of the agent in action.



Innovation (30%) Functionality (30%) Usability (20%) Scalability (10%) Presentation (10%)
How unique and innovative is the AI agent in the Web3 space? How well does the AI agent perform its intended Web3-related function? Is the AI agent user-friendly and easy to use? Can the AI agent be scaled or extended for broader use in Web3 applications? Quality of documentation and demo.

Seal - $500

🚀 BOUNTY: Unlocking Consumer Crypto

🏆 Prize: $500 USDC


  • Unlock New Possibilities with Consumer Crypto


  • Develop an innovative consumer app or technology that securely connects the real world to the on-chain world, showcasing the potential of crypto. Participants can either create new technology to unlock consumer crypto or use existing solutions (e.g., account abstraction, zero-knowledge proofs, Frames on Farcaster, etc ) to achieve this goal.


  • For a project to qualify for the bounty it has to be a consumer app. If it's a technology (a devtool or middleware), the submission has to discuss its practical application into consumer crypto (what use cases it unlocks).


Innovation: Technical merit: Presentation and Pitch: Completeness: Practicality:
1. How unique and original is the project? 2. Does it solve a real-world problem in a new and creative way? 1. The execution of the project from a technical standpoint. 2. Well-written code 3. Well-documentation 1. How well does the team present their project? 2. Purpose 3. Features 4. Benefits 1. How much from the challenge topic is completed and how much is left to be done? 1. When it comes to using the project, would it be practical or burdensome?

Bountycaster X Farcaster - $5,000


  • Bounties platform on Farcaster

🚀 Bountycaster x Forecaster Track

  • Check out bounties by Bountycaster on Farcaster, on the designated track page.

Ethereum Attestation Service: EAS


  • An infrastructure public good for making attestations onchain or offchain about anything.

🚀 BOUNTY: Best Farcaster Frame using Attestations

🏆 PRIZE: $1,000 USDC


  • Build a novel social experience using attestations and Farcaster frames.
  • Top 2 teams will win $500 each.


  • Must be a working product upon submission.
  • Must create new or use existing schemas.
  • Must generate an attestation.



  • It's a novel social experience using attestations onchain or offchain
  • It's integrated into a Farcaster frame
  • It's has potential to extend its use beyond the hackathon

Chainlink Labs - $1,000

🚀 ABOUT CHAINLINK LABS: Chainlink connects the world to blockchains—enabling developers, startups, and enterprises to build tangible use cases that unlock real value in Web3.

🚀 BOUNTY: Connect the World with Chainlink

🏆 PRIZE: $1,000 USDC


  • Build something awesome using Chainlink! Whether it’s CCIP, Functions, Price Feeds, Data Streams, PoR, VRF or Automation - anything from the Chainlink Documentation counts!

Functions use cases/examples:

  • Generative AI: NFTs using Chainlink Functions
  • Verifiable AI: Can use Functions to verify the output of an AI LLM, & get an attestation that the output is correct & what the LLM actually outputted


  • Each project must use Chainlink in some form to make a state change on a blockchain, otherwise it will not be eligible. This means that a front-end simply reading from Chainlink Data Feeds doesn't count. Using Chainlink inside your smart contracts is required.
  • Please let us know how you used Chainlink in the project description. It must be possible for the judges to find the Chainlink use in your code. Only the intention to use is not valid.



  • UI/UX/DX: How useful is your application? Is it visually appealing?
  • Blockchain technology application: How valuable this project is for decentralization and adoption of Blockchain and Web3?
  • Wow Factor: Anything not covered above! This is if you blow us away in some other way.
  • While all project submissions are evaluated holistically, there will be bonus points given to projects that use Chainlink services together in a meaningful way.

HyperCycle - $10,000 USD

🏆 Total Prize Pool: $10,000 in HyPC


  • Building the network for the Internet of AI

🚀 BOUNTY: RingOfRings Challenge


🥇 First prize 🥈 Second prize 🥉 Third prize
$5,000 $3,000 $2,000


  • Develop a use case for the RingOfRing


  • Top three submissions for the RingOfRings challenge


  • Originality
  • Quality of development
  • Use of the technology
  • Viability of business model