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Knowledge contributor track

  1. Your milestones should be made by contributing to Dora Dojo, tasks including: 1. inviting topic studier&speakers, 2. proposing new topics, 3. etc..

Virtual event manager track

  1. Your milestones should be made by organizing virtual developer events, tasks including: 1. Online workshops, 2. Online talk sessions, 3. Online project demo sessions, 4. Virtual bounties or hackathons. 5. Etc..

In-person event manager track

  1. Your milestones should be made by organizing in-person developer events,
  2. tasks including: 1. In-person workshops, 2. In-person meetups, 3. In-person project demo sessions, 4. In-person bounties or hackathons. 5. Etc..

BUIDL hunter track

  1. Your milestones should be made by referring BUIDLs to be submitted to a hackathon or to DoraHacks' BUIDL platform.

Flexibility track

  1. This track is open to communities that do not fit in the above tracks and are willing to propose milestones according to their respective advantages. To apply for grants in this track, you MUST communicate with the DoraHacks team for details in advance.