tungle · 2023/10/13
BonBon - The Netzero social network #787
- Building a social network to connect, share, and spread the word among people with green lifestyles, similar to how the Strava app has done with the running trend.
- With a strong and user-friendly referral mechanism, users will quickly share with each other, potentially creating a new trend.
- Developing a reward mechanism for carbon credits that users have earned by helping reduce emissions when using green services and products. For every 1 CO2 emission reduced, users will receive an 1-1 carbon credit.
- Users can trade, gift, or convert these credits into cash
- Businesses can also purchase them to offset carbon for their operations, as well as to incentivize users to buy their products.
- This is a solution designed with a focus on society, community, and the people. Therefore, I believe that when the project succeeds, the primary beneficiaries will be society and the people.
- Accelerating the process of changing habits and how humanity deals with environmental issues.
- A decentralized carbon credit mechanism will create global equality. When a French citizen reduces 1 tCO2 emissions, it's equivalent to a South African citizen reducing 1 tCO2 emissions, and both can sell it for $10. In this way, people in poorer countries will have a significant incentive to transition to a greener lifestyle and reduce emissions (green to earn).
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