
Zypher Network is hosting the first DoraHacks Online Hackathon from Jun.14 to Dec.4. The Zypher Network Hackathon focuses on supporting outstanding gaming projects and attracting as many builders and gamers as possible.

Participants have the opportunity to learn about and experiment with Zypher's Secret Engine, AW Engine, Z4 Engine, Zytron Kit, and the zkVM provided by Risc Zero to launch various innovative fully on-chain games.

Additionally, , as the co-host, is separately sponsoring a track. This track does not restrict game types or technologies and focuses on selecting the most popular blockchain game.

The prize pool for this Hackathon is $200,000, sponsored by and ScaleBit.

The judging standards for submitted builds include:

  1. Design and technical implementation
  2. Technical complexity
  3. Potential impact
  4. Creativity and innovation
  • Prizes worth $200,000 are distributed among 7 different tracks.
  • Winners of the hackathon and other outstanding projects have the opportunity to qualify for the millions Zypher Grant Program.
  • Exposure opportunities with Web3 VCs and Zypher ecosystem partners are also provided.

Key Dates [Extended]


Submission Requirements

Deployment: BUIDLs submitted for all tracks except Zytron Track must be deployed on the B² mainnet. BUIDLs for Zytron Track must be deployed on the Zytron L3 testnet. The deployed Gas Fee on the B² mainnet will be subsidized by Bsquare. Please fill in the form and contact person truthfully. We will contact you for subsidy payment after the review.

Gas Fee Subsidy Application

Case and Implementation: Your project should include a unique case or innovative implementation.

Demo Video: Provide a comprehensive demo video showcasing your project.

Links: Provide links to your code repository, website, and social media to assist judges in reviewing your submitted BUIDL. If the participant's website is private, the project must include login credentials in its testing instructions.

Matching Requirement: Submitted BUIDLs must utilize the engines or technologies specified by the tracks and align with the game type.

Additional Notes: Development experience on the Zypher engines.(Optional)

Multiple Submissions:

Participants can submit multiple projects, but each submission must be unique and substantially different from other submitted BUIDLs.

Submission Materials:

All submission materials must be in English, including demo videos, written descriptions, testing instructions, and any other submitted materials.


Projects submitted to other hackathons or challenges must be disclosed when submitting this project.

Judging Criteria

These criteria are designed to capture a comprehensive view of each project's merits, focusing not just on technical prowess but also on usability, innovation, and potential market impact. This approach ensures that projects are not only technologically sound but also relevant and poised to make a significant contribution to the gaming ecosystem.

1. Design and Technical Implementation

  • Functionality: Does the project work as intended without issues? Is it fully operational?
  • User Interface and User Experience (UI/UX): Has the team effectively considered the user interface and user experience? Is the design intuitive and user-friendly?

2. Technical Complexity

  • Utilization of Zypher Technology: Does the project leverage the capabilities of the Zypher engine to its fullest potential? How well does the project align with the technical expectations of the designated track?
  • Technical Innovation: Does the project introduce any novel technological solutions or innovative use of existing technology?

3. Potential Impact

  • User and Industry Impact: What potential impact could the project have on its end users and/or the broader fully on-chain gaming industry?
  • Adoption Potential: Does the project demonstrate the potential to be widely accepted and adopted by a larger audience?
  • Value to Ecosystem: Does the project contribute new, substantive value to the ecosystem? Does it address a clear need or gap?

4. Creativity and Innovation

  • Originality: How innovative, unique, or creative is the project? Does it bring new ideas or perspectives to the table?

About Zypher

Zypher Network is building the next-generation infrastructure for Autonomous Worlds, featuring a suite of ZKP-powered game engines from Sovereign Layer 3 Rollups to ZK-as-a-service SDKs. Our technology provides decentralized games with the required composability, programmability, scalability, and cryptographic primitives. It empowers game developers to craft rich, interactive worlds, emphasizing scalability, fairness, and the intricacies of game strategy.

Get Support

If you have any questions, you can receive technical support in the official Zypher Network Discord or Telegram.