The Challenge

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The Tools

Tangelo Image

angelo is an open-source python package for both NISQ and FT chemistry workflows on quantum computers, available through pypi and github. It was created by Good Chemistry and is now owned by SandboxAQ.

It features a growing collection of building-blocks and algorithms for chemistry simulation, built on top of a straightforward yet powerful backend-agnostic layer leveraging well-known frameworks in the quantum ecosystem, compatible with qBraid and many other well-known ones.

Tangelo Workflow

Embarking on a hackathon ? Good news: you can do a lot in little time with Tangelo.

A lot of what Tangelo has to offer can be immediately applied to fields other than chemistry or drug discovery out of the box:

  • Define your circuit, specify how you’d like to simulate it, pick the best backend for your needs by changing one single keyword (state vector simulator ? GPU?) and go. Further options even support noise models, mid-circuit measurements and retrieving data corresponding to desired mid-circuit measurement results.

sim = get_backend("cirq", n_shots=ns) freqs, sv = sim.simulate(circuit, return_statevector=True)

  • Easily convert circuits and operators between Tangelo and your favorite frameworks. Why constrain yourself to one platform when you can leverage all the innovation from the community in your projects ? Want to reuse your existing Qiskit code, plug that into Tangelo and then push the results into qBraid’s API ? Go for it !

` from tangelo.linq import translate_circuit, translate_operator

c_qiskit = translate_circuit(c, target="qiskit") op_qiskit = translate_operator(op, source="tangelo", target="qiskit") `

  • We believe running experiments on hardware should be simple:

` from tangelo.linq.qpu_connection import IBMConnection

conn = IBMConnection(ibm_quantum_token='your_ibm_token') job_id = conn.job_submit('sampler', 'ibmq_qasm_simulator', n_shots=10**5, tangelo_circuit) job_results = conn.job_results(job_id) `

More about available algorithms, resource estimation and advanced toolboxes in our tutorials !

Quickly get up to speed with tutorials and hands-on exercises

Tangelo comes with an abundance of tutorials about quantum computing, chemistry modeling, and detailed experiments run on quantum hardware. It’s not just about code: you get to learn from researchers and developers how to take your exploration further. We tag tutorials so that you can quickly find the ones relevant to your interests.

Tangelo tutorial

You can get started with our hands-on exercises with no local install: just click on colab image on the front page of the tutorial Github repository, scroll down to open the “hands-on” Jupyter notebooks and voila: you are ready to learn and hack ! From basic operations about gates and circuits to toolboxes for hardware experiments, FT operations and chemistry algorithms: you can cover a lot quickly. We ran a tutorial last year at IEEE quantum week (QCE23): attendees explored the content at their leisure and got started in 2 minutes, some just using a tablet !

What will you do with Tangelo ?

Have fun at the hackathon ! Do not hesitate to reach out on Github or to SandBoxAQ if you encounter bugs or have questions: coding is tough, and so is finding what you need inside software packages.

Contributions and feedback are super appreciated and needed in order to always improve on our tools ! 🍊