Welcome to YQuantum 2024!

This platform will be the heart of all hackathon operations for YQuantum 2024. You will get all the necessary information for the challenges here, including judging criteria, and you will use this platform to submit your hacks (also known as BUIDLs). If you have any questions about anything that happens during the hackathon, use the #ask-an-organizer channel on Discord.


To get detailed information about your challenge, please visit the dedicated tab. Submission will be done through the BUIDL tab, where you can select the track that you are submitting to. You may only submit to one track.


  • QuEra Computing: QuEra swag pack, public QuEra blog post, potential speaking opportunity @ QuEra HQ based on quality of project.
  • IBM Quantum: TBA.
  • Classiq: Quantum cloud credits ($1500) to be redeemed on any quantum hardware, public Classiq blog post.
  • DoraHacks: A total of up to $300 USDC will be distributed among teams that excel in generating meaningful results for the challenge. Additionally, DoraHacks is excited to offer two internship opportunities, available to all: one in DI-QRNG Product Research and Development, and the other in Post-Quantum Blockchain Cryptography Research.
  • SandboxAQ: SandboxAQ swag pack, presentation opportunity @ SandboxAQ HQ, career connections and networking with staff.
  • Capgemini/The Hartford/Quantinuum: Summer internship at Capgemini's Quantum Lab to develop your project further, presentation for Capgemini Financial Services w/ Quantum.


  • 3rd Place Overall: $500, Presentation opportunity in front of Yale researchers and professors, inclusion in presentation at the Yale Innovation Summit, YQI Swag including Quantum Sound vinyl.
  • 2nd Place Overall: $1000, Presentation opportunity in front of Yale researchers and professors, inclusion in presentation at the Yale Innovation Summit, YQI Swag including Quantum Sound vinyl.
  • 1st Place Overall: $2000, Presentation opportunity in front of Yale researchers and professors, inclusion in presentation at the Yale Innovation Summit, YQI Swag including Quantum Sound vinyl.


  1. Teams must be between 3-5 people.
  2. You are not allowed to use code written prior to the hackathon.
  3. Feel free to use Generative AI in whichever capacity you feel will help your project.
  4. You must keep your wristband on at all times so that we can keep track of you.
  5. If there is any hate speech/bigotry, you will be removed from the hackathon.