The Shared Security Hackathon is a three-day in-person hackathon at ETHcc for teams building shared security innovations.


  • Hackathon will take place over a 72 hour period. During these three days, hacker teams will have access to an open space and venue to meet all of their needs.
  • The final day will feature a Pitch/Demo Night during the symposium.
  • Teams should organize themselves in advance (between two-four people, we can facilitate)
  • First two days are focused on hackathon and networking
  • Final day is comprised of a Pitch Night, symposium, and Happy Hour
  • 35-60 hackers, 75-150 continuous attendees
  • Light food/snacks with boxed lunches provided daily. Water, juice, and soda beverages available throughout the day.


  • VENUE | Brussels, Belgium
  • HACKING HOURS | The venue will be open from 9am to 12am on each day of the hackathon.

Dates and times

  • July 6th-8th, 2024, Brussels
  • Actively open 9:00 AM - 6 PM daily, but hackers are welcome to be there whenever they want, night or day
  • Happy Hour 17:00-19:00 on July 8th with beer, wine, cocktails and appetizers

Teams Involved

🏆 Prizes

The best AVS prizes are based on the judges’ scoring.

🥇 1st Place: $10,000

🥈 2nd Place: $7,000

🥉 3rd Place: $3,000

Specific categories - TBA

🧑‍⚖️ Judging Panel

Name Company Position
Nader Dabit EigenLayer Director of DevRel
Yarden Shechter Othentic Co-founder, CEO
Adam Winnick Finality Capital General Partner
Rocky Rock Shared Security Alliance Director

🔢 Judging Criteria

  • Technical complexity - engineering skill demonstrated.

  • Design and technological implementation - code quality, MVP readiness.

  • Potential Impact - meets market needs, potential to impact the industry.

  • Creative and innovative - outside the box thinking.

👨‍🏫 Mentorship and Tech Support

Mentors circulate among the teams, provide guidance, and offer support.

Name Company Position
Dean Rubin Othentic Co-founder, CTO
Nader Dabit EigenLayer Director of DevRel
Yotam Bar On Othentic Engineering Lead
Adi Milstein Othentic Core Engineer

👨‍💻 Developer Resources

  • AVS Builder ideas doc, from ideation to code templates.
  • AVS samples in Othentic GitHub repo.
  • Access to Othentic GitHub and CLI.

🏗️ Prerequisites

✅ How to submit your project

Submission Requirements:

All submissions need to deploy to Holesky Testnet and include the following:

  • Incorporate unique use cases or implementation
  • A 5-minute demo illustrating the project in comprehensive detail
  • Links to your code repository, website and socials to help judges review your submission. If the participant's website is private, the project must include login credentials in its testing instructions.
  • In the README: detail why your team went with the approaches they did
  • In the README: experience building on Othentic

Multiple Submissions:

  • Entrants are allowed to submit more than one submission. However, each submission must be unique and substantially different from the others.

Submission Materials:

  • All submission materials must be in English, including the demonstration video, text description, and testing instructions, as well as any other materials submitted.


  • Projects submitted to other hackathons or challenges need to be disclosed in the submission or README of the project.
  • The judging panel will evaluate project submissions based on how the team implements their features and the uniqueness of the application.

📄 Rules

  1. Don’t start coding your project before the hackathon officially starts. You can obviously start researching or learning how to use the Othentic Stack, but you must not start coding the project you intend to submit.
  2. If you want to use pre-existing code (e.g. from a prior project you’ve made) you must notify us first in writing, with a detailed explanation of which parts you’ll be re-using. You are, of course, allowed to fork projects (rather than reinventing the wheel). However, your hackathon submission will be judged solely on the merits of what you have achieved during the time of the hackathon itself. If during or after the event, we find that you failed to disclose that you used a pre-existing code, you will be subject to disqualification.
  3. Your project must remain open source and available on the Github repo you submit.

🌐 Social Links


Our Organization


The Shared Security Alliance is a member-based organization supporting developer adoption of shared security to improve the decentralized Web through education and advocacy.

EthCC Hackathon

The Shared Security Hackathon is a three-day in-person hackathon taking place July 6-8 at ETHCC for teams building shared security innovations - the final day will feature a pitch/demo day during the symposium.