Hackathon idea from Ideaism

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Aqueducts for Public Goods Funding in Ethereum: 2023
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A proposal to use Ethereum and Zuzalu infrastructure to create a decentralized funding system for public goods. This will allow individuals and organizations to contribute to projects that benefit society as a whole.
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A decentralized platform that uses blockchain technology to create a transparent and immutable record of events. This can be used for historical purposes, as well as for verifying the authenticity of documents or media.
Diet Coke
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A decentralized platform that incentivizes users to make healthy lifestyle choices through rewards and gamification. Users can track their progress, compete with friends, and earn tokens for achieving their health goals.
Quadratic Networks
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A network of interconnected smart contracts built on Ethereum and Zuzalu infrastructure that uses quadratic voting to make collective decisions. This will ensure that the preferences of the majority are taken into account while still giving a voice to the minority.
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A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) built on Ethereum and Zuzalu infrastructure that uses artificial intelligence to make decisions. Users can participate in the DAO by staking tokens and earn rewards for their contributions.
Distributed Trials
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A platform that uses Zuzalu infrastructure, zero-knowledge proofs, and artificial intelligence to facilitate decentralized clinical trials. This will make it easier for researchers to gather data from a diverse group of participants while maintaining their privacy.
4th Sector
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A platform that combines the benefits of blockchain technology with the principles of the 4th sector (social enterprise) to create a more equitable and sustainable economy. Users can invest in socially responsible projects and earn rewards for their contributions.
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A social network on the Zuzalu infrastructure that uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized governance system. Users can participate in decision-making processes and earn rewards for their contributions.
Lemonade ZKP
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A decentralized application built on Ethereum and Zuzalu infrastructure that uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure privacy and security for online transactions. Users can buy and sell goods or services without revealing their personal information.
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A platform that utilizes Zuzalu infrastructure and social networks to connect people interested in astronomy and space exploration. Users can share their knowledge, collaborate on projects, and participate in virtual stargazing events.