We hope HackZuzalu cultivates talent from all around the world to collectively tackle frontier challenges. We welcome you to come learn, hack and make lasting friendships!

Judging Criteria:

Feasibility: Assess the practicality and usefulness of the project. Does it address a real-world problem, and can it be implemented effectively?

Impact: Evaluate the potential impact of the project. What scope of potential impact does this project have?

Innovation/Technical Complexity: Consider the level of innovation and technical sophistication demonstrated in the project. Does it introduce novel concepts or technologies?

Presentation/Documentation: Evaluate the clarity and comprehensibility of the presentation and documentation. Is it easy for judges to understand the project's goals, methods, and outcomes?

General Project Requirements (Applies to Every Track):

1. Presentation: Participants must upload a presentation outlining their project.

2. Development Timeline: The project must be built within the duration of the hackathon.

3. Technical Projects: Technical projects should aim to build a proof of concept or a working prototype during the hackathon.

Submission Requirement:

  • Create a BUIDL project and if applicable add team member, see submission guide
  • Apply to at least 1 track
  • Solo hacker welcome!
  • Include link to open source code (required)
  • Include link to pitch deck (optional)

Submission Deadline:

  • Friday, Nov 11 08:59 local Istanbul time

Submission Checklist:

  • Create BUIDL project on DoraHacks (Github link is mandatory.)
  • Apply for at least 1 track (Under Claim bounties, multiple track select allowed)
  • Introduce your project in Hub telegram "Pitch your idea"
  • Prepare for demo day presentation on Nov 11

Presentation order:

Check-in at Minoa Pera 0/F Theater at 13:00.

  • Country / Network State Builder (Governance, ZK zuAstro Zuzalu Infra, Social, ZK)
  • Lemonade ZKP (Ethereum, Zuzalu Infra, Social, Governance, ZK)
  • Totem (Ethereum, Zuzalu Infra, Social, Governance, ZK)
  • 4th Sector (Ethereum, Zuzalu Infra, Governance, ZK)
  • Distributed Trials (Zuzalu Infra, ZK, Desci + AI)
  • AutoDao (Ethereum, Zuzalu Infra, Social, Governance, DeSci + AI)
  • Quadratic Networks (Ethereum, Zuzalu Infra, Social, Governance)
  • Diet Coke (Ethereum, Governance)
  • Chronicle (Ethereum)
  • Aqueducts for Public Goods Funding in Ethereum: 2023 (Ethereum)
  • paideia : AI aided collective sense making for Zuzalu governance (Zuzalu Infra, Governance)
  • Zuora (Zualu Infra, Social)
  • Zumap (Zuzalu Infra, Social)
  • ZupassUNLOCK (Zuzalu Infra)
  • Skitties (Zuzalu Infra, Social, Desci + AI)
  • Autonoma (Governance, Desci + AI)
  • ZuzaRule (Governance)
  • Funding System for DeSci (DeSci)
  • Clinical Trials Bot (DeSci)
  • Foolproof: Mist Browser Reloaded (Social)
  • Vibes (Social)
  • Ask Network (Speaking only)
  • Tailored ZK-shielding as a Path Forward (Speaking only)

Presentation format:

  • Guiding questions:
    • Why you built what you built (context & impact)
    • What did you build (demo to show your ability to execute)
    • What do you want to build in the next two weeks and general future (that’s exciting and useful)
    • Who’s on your team (prove that you can execute going forward)
    • Limit 5 min per team + 3 min Q&A

Prize information:

Prize distribution will take up to 1 month from winner announcement.