
Secret Network enables developers to build decentralized applications with encrypted data, both natively on Secret and on other blockchains through cross-chain communication, unlocking powerful new use-cases for Web3. This is known as Decentralized Confidential Computing, or DeCC.


HackSecret III is an opportunity to build cutting-edge Web3 applications, utilizing Secret Network's decentralized confidential computing (DeCC) capabilities. Confidential computing unlocks exciting new use-cases, and Secret Network's Confidential Computing Layer enables developers to do this while building on nearly any blockchain! This hackathon includes two tracks, one for cross-chain applications, and one for native Secret applications. The choice is yours!


All workshops will take place on Secret Network's Discord:


Cross-Chain dApps For dApps that use cross-chain communication to access Secret for confidential computing. Developers building on EVM and IBC chains can execute smart contracts on Secret and vice versa. This means complete composability across Web3.

  • Example: A dApp that stores encrypted data on Polygon and decrypts with Secret smart contracts (see developer resources below for examples).

Native Secret dApp For dApps built natively on Secret Network. Secret's privacy-by-default design is essential to the security and adoption of the decentralized web. User-side privacy not only enables novel use cases but also puts users back in charge of their sensitive data.

  • Example: a messaging dApp built exclusively using Secret smart contracts

Developers can submit to multiple tracks if applicable :D

Prize Distribution

Total Pool: $8,000 USD

  • $5,000 USD is reserved for the Cross-Chain dApp track, and $3,000 USD is reserved for the Native Secret dApp track.

Secret Network and its affiliates reserve the right to withhold prizes at their discretion if submissions do not meet the competition's standards.

Requirements for Submission

You should submit your BUIDL via DoraHacks.io.

Submission Expectation:

  • Documentation: Provide clear and concise documentation of your projects. This should include setup instructions, usage guidelines, and any additional information that helps judges and other developers understand the project.
  • Demo or Video: Create a demo or video showcasing your project's functionality. Videos are particularly helpful in conveying the project's value and can be easily shared and understood by judges and the public. Preferably contracts have a usable UI/Mockup to be shown.
  • Open Source: Make projects open source. This fosters collaboration, allows others to learn from your code, and contributes to the broader developer community. The full code of your back and frontend should be submitted under a (restrictive/permissive) open source license.
  • Written Description: Include a README.md in your github repository (max 2 pages) that includes a "User focused summary" (talk about what it does), an "Investor pitch" (What is the problem it solves and where is the product market fit?), and a "Development Deepdive" (How did you build this, how do the contracts/functions interact and which design choices did you make).

NOTE: The jury will compile the codebase and only judge protocols that properly compile with the listed dependencies, this also accounts for UIs or other product deliverables. Adding Tests to your codebase is preferred.

Judging Criteria & Selection Process

Initial Review:

  • Upon the submission deadline, the organizing committee will conduct an initial review of all project submissions to ensure they meet the specified entry requirements and guidelines. Submissions failing to meet the criteria will be disqualified from further evaluation. Technical Evaluation:

  • Qualified submissions will undergo a thorough technical evaluation by a panel of judges with expertise in Secret Network, confidential computation, decentralized computing, and software development. Judges will assess the technical complexity, innovation, and feasibility of each project. Judges will consider the project's ability to address real-world challenges, its potential for adoption and scalability, and the value it brings to the Secret Network community and decentralized confidential computing ecosystem.

Presentation and Q&A Session:

  • Finalists will be invited to present their projects to the judging panel during a live virtual event. Teams will have the opportunity to showcase their work, discuss their technical approach, and answer questions from the judges. Presentations will be evaluated based on clarity, coherence, and the team's ability to effectively communicate their project's key features, functionalities, and impact.

Selection of Winners:

  • Winners will be announced after the finalist demos, and prizes will be awarded to the top-performing teams.
  • Prize distribution will be in $SCRT. There are no KYC or contract requirements for prize withdrawal. Developers from all countries are eligible for participation.