Judging Criteria for All Tracks

Rate on a scale of 1-100 (Best) in the following categories:

  1. Impact and Scalability: What is the usefulness of the Canvas and likelihood of broad use?
  2. Community Engagement: How does the Canvas engage with and grow the DSCVR Community? Does it have features that encourage ongoing participation and contribution?
  3. Innovation and Originality: How unique and creative is the Canvas? Does it offer a novel solution to an existing problem on the DSCVR platform?
  4. How well executed is the Canvas? What is the quality and complexity of the code? Is the implementation secure and scalable?
  5. User Experience: How easy-to-use and intuitive is the Canvas for the end user?

Token / NFT Creation & Distribution Sponsored by Metaplex

Utilize DSCVR Canvas to build products that assist the creation and distribution of fungible and non fungible tokens. As sponsors of this track, use of Metaplex CORE in submissions is encouraged as 75% of the prize pool will be allocated towards CORE usage. Access Metaplex Developer Docs here https://developers.metaplex.com/

Example Canvases:

  • Mint NFT because you followed user
  • Mint NFT based on the amount of DSCVR points
  • Mint NFT based on their streak level / multiplier
  • Unlock NFT mint based on their existing NFT assets
  • 3rd party core plugin that gets attached to NFT if you’re a portal member/follower
  • Whitelisting Canvas - checks social graph conditions set by dev
  • Whitelist project poll gate (you have to answer questions correctly on project to quality for whitelist)
  • Raffle to win tokens/NFTs
  • Fungible mint liquidity pool
  • Claim limited artist NFT mint
  • Split up fungible airdrop based on social criteria

On-Chain Governance - Granted by the Solana Foundation

Build Canvases that enable Governance in DSCVR feed and/or communities. For this track, the Solana Foundation is requiring proof of on-chain activity in one of the following forms: Dashboard provided by Dune, Nansen or Flipside or a links from a public Solana explorer (such as SolanaFM, Solcan, Xray) to the relevant Solana Transactions.

Example Canvases:

  • A poll where you have to hold NFT to vote, and the vote gets recorded on chain
  • A poll where you have to stake tokens to vote
  • Snapshot.org in a frame
  • View opinions about vote topics from DAO members
  • A frame that provides voting analytics using on-chain data
  • Submit a new proposal to vote on in a dao/portal
  • Tie DAO governance permissions based on portal roles
  • Analytics about portal activity
  • Get a free token for voting in a DAO proposal (sole distribution)
  • Swop idea: snapshot active users for soulbound, frame shows those users, then voting gives the actual token out to some percentage of total supply (fair launch + pre-mine)

DeFi & Commerce Sponsored by Tweed and Spider Swap

Build a canvas that enables Defi or commerce in the DSCVR Feed. To qualify for the Tweed prize, utilize a checkout flow with fiat to crypto. Though not required, if you're interested in integrating Tweet, here are the docs. https://docs.paytweed.com/ To request live api keys, email ops@paytweed.com with the subject line: DSCVR HACKATHON - API KEY REQUEST. In the body of the email, include your name, company name (if applicable), and a brief description of the NFTs you will be selling. You will then receive a link to complete KYC verification in order to receive the keys.

Example Canvases:

  • NFT auction in post
  • Buy physical goods in post
  • Buy digital goods in post (eg. gift cards)
  • Tweed example frame: Poster is selling an existing NFT, and it takes you to a tweed checkout page to purchase with fiat
  • User can list one of their NFTs from their wallet into a post
  • Buy NFT in post
  • Swap fungible in post
  • Pay post to access content (premium content)
  • Subscription based frame
  • NFT trading
  • Burn or mutate NFT

Blinks - Sponsored by DSCVR

SUBMIT YOUR BLINKS CANVAS VIA THIS LINK Blockchain links – or blinks – turn any Solana Action into a shareable, metadata-rich link. Blinks allow Action-aware clients (browser extension wallets, bots) to display additional capabilities for the user. On a website, a blink might immediately trigger a transaction preview in a wallet without going to a decentralized app. Instant NFT Purchase: A blink link in a post that allows users to preview and purchase an NFT directly from their wallet. https://solana.com/docs/advanced/actions

Example Canvases utilizing Blinks:

  • Token Transfers: A blink for quickly transferring tokens to another user without navigating away from DSCVR.
  • Voting on Proposals: A blink that enables users to cast their votes on governance proposals right from their feed.
  • Crowdfunding Campaigns: A blink link that lets users contribute to a crowdfunding campaign instantly.
  • Staking Tokens: A blink to stake tokens directly from the DSCVR feed, showing potential rewards.
  • DeFi Lending/Borrowing: A blink for users to lend or borrow assets on a DeFi platform without leaving DSCVR.
  • Claim Airdrops: A blink for users to claim airdropped tokens with one click.
  • Participate in Auctions: A blink that allows users to place bids in an ongoing auction.
  • Subscribe to Services: A blink for users to subscribe to a service or membership using tokens.
  • Create DAO Proposals: A blink to create new proposals for a DAO directly from the DSCVR feed.
  • Execute Smart Contracts: A blink for executing specific smart contracts with predefined actions.
  • Tip Creators: A blink to send tips to content creators or influencers on DSCVR.
  • Join Whitelists: A blink that lets users join whitelists for upcoming token sales or NFT drops.
  • Verify Ownership: A blink to verify ownership of digital assets for entry into exclusive communities.
  • Complete Quests: A blink for participating in gamified quests and earning rewards.
  • Mint NFTs: A blink for minting new NFTs directly from a DSCVR post.
  • Sign Documents: A blink to digitally sign blockchain-based agreements or documents.
  • Participate in Games: A blink for interacting with blockchain-based games embedded in DSCVR.
  • Access DeFi Yields: A blink for checking and claiming yields from DeFi investments.
  • Join Events: A blink for RSVPing to virtual or real-world events with token-based tickets.

Media & Gaming

Build games or media experiences that are published in feed. Viral games can also qualify for the virality category.

Example Canvases:

  • Mini game in a frame
  • Party finder for game
  • AI image generation
  • ChatGPT interaction in a frame
  • Live streaming (e.g. twitch)
  • Live audio (e.g. twitter spaces, clubhouse)
  • Use your NFT in a game
  • Token-gated media
  • Play game to earn/mint NFT/token
  • Share high score in existing game
  • Buy or claim NFT game assets for players
  • Share achievements via NFTs shared to post
  • Token sponsor: Make a game that uses the meme character