Hackathon idea from Ideaism

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NFT Streak Rewards
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A Canvas app that mints exclusive NFTs for users based on their activity streak on DSCVR. The longer the streak, the rarer the NFT they can claim, encouraging daily engagement.
Crypto Event RSVPs
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A Canvas app where users can discover, RSVP, and even purchase tickets (using crypto) for virtual and physical crypto events, with ticket NFTs minted upon purchase.
Tokenized Content Subscriptions
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A subscription service built on Canvas that allows content creators to gate their premium content behind token subscriptions, offering a decentralized Patreon-like model.
NFT Whitelisting and Raffles
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A Canvas app for projects to manage NFT whitelists and conduct raffles. Users can qualify for whitelisting through social actions on DSCVR or participate in raffles to win NFTs.
AI Chat Companion
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A ChatGPT-powered Canvas app that lives within DSCVR, offering users a conversational AI companion for crypto advice, market analysis, or just friendly banter.
DeFi Dashboard Widgets
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Customizable Canvas widgets that display real-time DeFi metrics, including liquidity pool stats, yield farming opportunities, and token swap interfaces, all embedded within DSCVR feeds.
Blockchain Gaming Portals
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Embeddable mini-games within DSCVR posts, where players can earn, mint, or buy NFTs directly within the game interface. High scores and achievements can be shared as NFTs.
Interactive Media Galleries
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Canvas apps that allow creators to build interactive, token-gated media galleries. Users can unlock access to exclusive content by holding specific NFTs or tokens.
On-Chain Governance Toolkit
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A suite of Canvas apps enabling DAOs to conduct on-chain governance directly within DSCVR. Features include token-based voting, proposal submissions, and real-time analytics on governance activities.
Decentralized Commerce Hub
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A Canvas-based marketplace where users can list, auction, and purchase physical and digital goods using cryptocurrencies, with seamless fiat to crypto transactions supported by Tweed.
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