
Polygon [$50,000]

$20,000 🦄 The next up, STARTUP prize

What do Orb, Superfluid, and Push Protocol have in common? All 3 of these major web3 projects started at hackathons. Polygon Labs is looking for killer apps and use cases (any type of project: infra / defi / social / privacy/app layer) built with Polygon technology. To qualify for this prize, build something useful with smart contracts on Polygon zkEVM, Polygon PoS or using Polygon ID VCs. Sell us on the use cases or problems your project solves and explain your business plan and the feature roadmap that you’ll continue to build after the hackathon on your path to becoming a startup.

$10,000 ↔️ Best cross chain dApp utilizing the Polygon zkEVM LxLy bridge

gm anon, or should we say ZM. At the heart of Polygon’s new 2.0 architecture lies the LxLy bridge. The Polygon zkEVM LxLy Bridge facilitates cross-chain communication across Polygon chains. We’re challenging you to create and extend the LxLy sample implementations and add support for different types of cross-chain messaging and assets transfer of custom ERC-20s and any other EIP/ERC you see fit such as ERC1155 etc. Check out the existing code samples and open a PR with your own contribution that facilities cross-chain communication.

Cross-Chain ideas from the Polygon zkEVM team

  • Claim UI: Build a Dapp to allow users to connect and see all valid messages they have that are claimable on a given LxLy chain (Polygon zkEVM etc) and claim them!
  • Implement an OpenZeppelin Governor that allows token holders to vote on Polygon zkEVM with proposals that are still on Ethereum or Polygon PoS Create a snapshot strategy that accounts for token balance on Ethereum, Polygon PoS, & Polygon zkEVM
  • Build a zkEVM NFT project with mint logic that depends on owning an asset on Ethereum or Polygon PoS
  • Permissionless Prover: A smart contract that allows Polygon Labs to put up a reward for anyone who fills in as permissionless prover for when our infra goes down essentially a contract that has a function that checks whether a given verifyBatches() call was successfully called by anyone other than our trusted address, and if so, pays out some fixed reward it holds (MATIC tokens)
  • Or even extend these repos to cover LxLy Bridging https://github.com/ZeframLou/universal-bridge or https://github.com/aave/governance-crosschain-bridges/tree/master/contracts/bridges

$10,000 👤 Best Use of Polygon ID for a privacy preserving dApp

Self-Sovereign Identity is the future. Use Polygon ID to represent identity-based information as verifiable credentials in your dapp so your users can prove access rights to dapp features without giving up their private data. Polygon ID is also excited to announce a brand new partnership with Dock.io that will allow you to securely extend the privacy of your Lens profile using Verifiable Credentials. Using Dock's REST API credentials can be issued a few API calls. Along with issuing credentials application developers can use the API to manage issuer profiles and create and import data schemas. Dock's tooling also supports non-developers through it's no-code solution Dock Certs which provides the same functionality via a web interface.

This demo shows you how to set up your Dock.io account and begin to issue VCs. Your task is to now leverage VCs to provide additional layers of privacy and security to your Lens Dapp.

Polygon ID resources:

Ideas from the Polygon ID team:

  • Anonymous voting - On-chain voting exposes the choices made by different public addresses. Create a hack that proves DAO membership with a VC while making sure members don’t double vote.
  • Social proof of influence or activity - Create a proof of influence issuer that issues VCs based on numbers of followers or number of posts across social platforms
  • Bot protection - Create a decentralized verification system providing individual VCs of liveliness & uniqueness that could be combined to prevent sybil attacks.
  • VC gated Discord or telegram channels - Create a way to gate a Discord channel or telegram chat based on a Polygon VC

$10,000 ⛽️ UX award for best dApp with Account Abstraction

Build a dApp (public good, decentralized social media, dao tool, or any other type of project) on Polygon PoS or Polygon zkEVM with an app-like UX by sponsoring your users’ gas fees with a paymaster and / or bundling multiple transactions, for example approve and transfer, into a single transaction.

In your project’s README, explain the UX optimization strategies you chose and why. Link to relevant sections of code with your account abstraction implementation (paymaster or bundler).

Learn more about AA by reading up on ERC-4337: Account Abstraction and gasless transactions.

Account Abstraction SDKs:

Trust Wallet [$10000]


Circle [$10000]

Total bounty size : 10K

Embed USDC Payments into your App


Add USDC payments functionality to your app or marketplace

-> Enable users to choose monthly, daily, or per-second streaming

-> Enable inbound and outbound payments


We want projects that are full MVPs that include code and not just a proof of concept in a PowerPoint. These should be functional and able to show the functionality in action.

Please show us how you got to the solution. This may include gists, sketches, discussions, issues, etc. We would like to see a steady commit trail of your development process and not just one big pull request.

List any challenges you’ve had while integrating with our API and using our docs.


Rally Protocol [$10000] (4 winners, $2,500 each)

About Rally Protocol:

Rally Protocol is the go-to mobile web3 development solution for serious builders and crypto-curious app developers alike. As permissionless, free-to-use, open-source software, Rally Protocol has built React Native tooling that allows developers to seamlessly integrate Web 3 into mobile applications. Developers are able to maintain full control of the user experience, and develop in programming languages they already know.

What We're Looking For:

We're interested in innovative applications that utilize our SDK. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a mobile application that uses the EOA on the device as a signer in a SAFE, SoulWallet, or other smart contracts.
  • Develop an app that uniquely leverages mobile devices and system functionality traditionally under-explored in crypto (e.g., camera, gyroscope, biometrics, location).
  • Write a GSN client that calls our API in NodeJS, Python, or Ruby.

Links and documentation: