Hackathon idea from Ideaism

Upvote creative inspirations that may turn your ideas into BUIDLs!

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A polling and survey mini-app that uses blockchain for secure and transparent voting. Ideal for community governance, feedback collection, and market research within the Telegram ecosystem.
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A health and wellness tracker that uses blockchain to securely store and share fitness achievements and health data. Users can earn tokens for health milestones, participate in challenges, and access personalized health insights.
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A decentralized platform connecting freelancers with gigs, paying in cryptocurrency. Integrates Biconomy's AA stack for seamless transactions and contract management, offering a new way for freelancers to find work and get paid.
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A sustainability tracker that rewards users for eco-friendly actions with cryptocurrency incentives. Leverages smart contracts to verify actions and distribute rewards, encouraging a greener lifestyle among Telegram users.
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A security-focused mini-app offering real-time alerts and safety tips for cryptocurrency wallet users. Integrates with various blockchains to monitor transactions and wallet health, promoting safe crypto practices.
Decentralized Event Planner
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This mini-app helps users discover and RSVP for blockchain and crypto-related events around them. It integrates with the user's crypto wallet for ticket purchases and utilizes smart contracts for verifiable attendance.
FoodChain Delivery
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A decentralized food delivery service that connects local restaurants and consumers directly, cutting out the middleman. Utilizes Biconomy's AA stack for payment processing in cryptocurrencies, offering rewards in the form of tokens for both customers and restaurants.
NFT Showcase Gallery
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A mini-app that allows artists and creators to showcase their NFT collections directly within Telegram. Users can browse, share, and even purchase NFTs using integrated crypto wallets, leveraging Buidl.so's crypto wallet functionalities.
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A social networking mini-app within Telegram for crypto enthusiasts to connect, share insights, and form investment groups. Integrates Biconomy's AA infrastructure for seamless transactions among members.
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An educational platform within Telegram offering courses and resources on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency trading, and web3 development. Features microtransactions for course access, powered by Biconomy's AA infrastructure.
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