Neutron Tracks

  1. Tooling Track: This track challenges participants to tackle specific tasks that will significantly benefit the Neutron ecosystem. Participants are encouraged to demonstrate their technical prowess and innovative thinking. The tasks include:
    • Developing an implementation of a CosmWasm multisig capable of managing a variable number of Interchain Accounts on remote chains
    • Developing an SDK for FSM-based CosmWasm contracts, which simplifies writing contracts that use IBC/ICA by explicitly representing them as finite state machines
  2. Free-Form Projects Track: In this track, participants are given the freedom to unleash their creativity and come up with their projects. The only limit is their imagination, provided their projects meet the topicality criteria (see below). This track is perfect for those who wish to explore new ideas and innovative solutions without constraints.

Neutron + Abstract Bonus Bounty

  • Interchain App Bounty In following Neutron’s Free-Form track or Kujira’s Compose track, develop an interchain app leveraging Abstract Interchain Accounts (ICAAs) and/or Module→Module IBC Communication. Be as creative as possible, though if you’re looking for ideas we have some listed here. It MUST span both Neutron and Kujira testnets to qualify for this bounty.

  • Interchain Integration Bounty In following Neutron’s Free-Form track or Kujira’s Compose track, integrate anything into Abstract as an API (SDK) or Adapter (module). APIs are best for native Cosmos SDK modules specific to a chain (like Neutron ICA, ICQ). Adapters are best for functionality common across chains, like cron jobs, token factory, rewards, liquidations, or otherwise. To qualify for this bounty, you must build an example application leveraging this integration.

(1 winner per each bounty, $ 2.5k prize each)


  • Teams are allowed to participate in only one track. However, this restriction does not apply to the Neutron+Abstract Bounty. Therefore, you can participate in one track plus one bounty if you wish.
  • The prize is paid by the track/bounty owners directly, not through Confio
  • Bonus bounty will be paid by USD or USDC on Noble by Abstract.

Judging Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Topicality: Projects must be built using CosmWasm and actively incorporate interchain features, such as interchain accounts and/or interchain queries, to qualify for prize consideration.
  • Execution: A well-organized GitHub repository is crucial, featuring a comprehensive readme that outlines the project's purpose, design, and solution. Additionally, instructions for building and testing the project must be provided, ensuring the project is functional. A screen recording demonstrating the project in action is also required, serving as essential demo material.
  • Complexity: Given two projects with good execution, projects that exhibit a higher level of sophistication and complexity will be given preference, assuming the execution criteria are met.