We are 4 co-founders with engineering backgrounds :
1. Pierre NI - CEO
Pierre got a Master at Telecom Sud Paris, one of the top 10 engineering school in France. He has Chinese and Hong Kong origins.
Pierre arrived in the crypto ecosystem in 2020, and started using several DeFi protocols, and signing up on different centralized exchanges to be able to invest in so many different cryptos at the best possible rates. Thus, he quickly felt the need for a platform to track and manage all his assets. The idea of CEDE Labs was born.
He started to create the project with a team of 4 people in the incubator of his school. After the creation of a POC and the beginning of a business model, the team dissolved, one month before meeting Gabriel.
2. Gabriel BEGAZO - COO
Gabriel got a Master at INSA Lyon, one of the top 10 engineering school in France. Franco-Peruvian, he was born in Peru and did all his studies in France.
After discovering Bitcoin in 2016, he got involved in DeFi in 2017 as an investor, and decided to create a student association on blockchain and cryptos in his school, INSA Lyon, in 2020. In addition to this, Gabriel has had several kinds of entrepreneurial experience, creating several student associations in his school, still going strong today. He also did several internships, notably at the Banque de France to better understand the world of finance and macroeconomics, as well as in a start-up in electric mobility.
It is during an event co-organised by this association present in more than twenty French universities (Kryptosphere) that he meets Pierre in 2021, and decides to join forces to create CEDE Labs.
3. Nikita TEREKHOV - CTO
Nikita got a Master at INSA Lyon, one of the top 10 engineering school in France. Involved in the crypto ecosystem and more specifically into DeFi since 2017 as an investor, he starts to become a builder and learn solidity in 2019. He has won many prizes during hackathons, including the Ethcc4 in Paris, Tezos, or Near in 2022.
He joins the CEDE Labs adventure as CTO, after leaving Worldline, a French multinational payment and transactional services company.
4. Canberra MENTHONNEX - Full Stack developer
Canberra studied at IIM - Pôle de Vinci School in Paris. He has Chinese and French origins.
He has been passionate about computer development for 5 years. After several professional experiences in the traditional world of finance, notably at La Française des Jeux (French lottery), he decided to join and co-create CEDE Labs to get involved in the web3 ecosystem which he fell in love with after meeting Gabriel.
5. Two other hardworking full-stack devs, also with an engineering background in computer science, deeply involved in DeFi and working right know on the API infrastructure, and all the implementation of the UI/UX for our two products : cede.link & cede.store
6. As our team is pretty young, we have the chance to be well supprted by strategic angel investors and advisors who trust on us and help us to reach our goals.
We can mention for example :
- GSR : one of the biggest crypto market maker from Hong-Kong
- Nicolas Bacca : co-founder & former CTO of Ledger
- Pablo Veyrat : founder & CEO of Angle Protocol
- Ulysse Ramage : founder & COO of APWine
- Marc Zeller : Integration Lead at Aave
- Hadrien Charlanes founder & CEO of Sismo)
- Owen Simonin (Hasheur)
- Anthony Beaumont : CEO & founder of Encode club
- many more...