Updated 35 days ago

Cosmos Chain-Registry | Maintenance and improvement

The Chain Registry is an interconnected project aimed at simplifying multi-chain development in the Cosmos ecosystem. It serves as a comprehensive data hub, providing APIs, RPC/REST proxies, and a UI to access and manage data from various Cosmos-based chains (through cosmos.directory and api.lavenderfive.com/networks), validators, and public APIs. The standardized repository of chain and asset metadata, facilitates easy node setup, version management and integration for developers. These crucial resources and tools enhance the interoperability and efficiency of blockchain applications in the Cosmos network.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • CosmosHub
  • Evmos
  • Sei
  • Injective
  • dydx
  • Celestia
  • Secret Network
  • Juno
  • Kujira
  • Osmosis
  • Persistence
  • Infra / API
  • Archway
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • Noble
  • Babylon
  • AssetMantle
  • Dymension
  • Nolus
  • Stargaze
  • Nibiru
  • Althea
  • the Denom & Maria
  • Uptick
  • Side Hub
  • Saga

ATOM Eonomic Zone Quadratic Grant Round 4

2024/08/30 → 2024/11/15
