
OneBlock and Polkadot are excited to invite you to participate in our upcoming 「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Bangkok 」, where developers can showcase their skills and create innovative solutions to improve the blockchain ecosystem. Here is all the information you need to know! The hackathon officially begins on July 11, 2024(UTC+8), and registration will continue until October 23 at 12:00 p.m. (UTC+8).

"Decentralize everything and break down the silos between different blockchains" is the original intention of Polkadot, and it is also the vision that drives and promotes the development and implementation of Web3.0. In 2024, the Polkadot ecosystem has achieved significant results in both ecological development and technological innovation. The number of active developers in the Polkadot ecosystem is leading by a large margin, with over 500 projects signed under the W3F Grant program, covering every layer of the Polkadot technology stack. We also look forward to helping and supporting the growth of more startup teams, which is why we are organizing the「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Bangkok」and offering over 300,000 USD in generous prizes to participants, the prize will be awarded in DOT.

The「Polkadot Hackathon 2024 Bangkok」is the annual event in the Polkadot ecosystem. This hackathon will bring together investors, developers, Web3.0 projects, media professionals, and other members of society to jointly explore the next steps of Web3.0 and continue to promote progress and development in the industry.

Welcome developers from all over the world who are interested in and have ideas about Web3.0 to participate. We look forward to seeing participants bring their inspiration and creativity to practice at the technical gala of the hackathon, and together, we will prosper the Polkadot ecosystem.


Polkadot unites and secures a growing ecosystem of specialized blockchains called parachains. Apps and services on Polkadot can securely communicate across chains, forming the basis for a truly interoperable decentralized web.

Substrate the blockchain framework for a multichain future.Substrate enables developers to quickly and easily build future proof blockchains optimized for any use case.

OneBlock+ Focused on #Substrate #Blockchain developer community.We offer courses, workshops and hackathons to encourage more people to join and build blockchain projects. Join OneBlock+ for the latest tech and innovation.

Contact information and related links

If you have any questions about the hackathon, please contact us through the following channels:


1. Technical Resources

2. Legal compliance

In order to comply with domestic regulations, this hackathon will not touch on any of the following related topics:

  • Related to Initial Coin Offering.

  • Related to digital asset trading.

  • Any currency price discussion (Decentralized Exchange topics can discuss technology, not currency prices).

  • Games related to gambling and with gambling elements.

Intellectual property rights

All submissions remain the intellectual property of the individuals or organizations that developed them. By submitting an entry, entrants agree that the sponsor will have a fully paid, non-exclusive license to use such entry for judging the entry.

Entrants agree that the sponsor shall have the right to promote the submission and use the name, likeness, voice and image of all individuals contributing to a submission, in any materials promoting or publicizing the Hackathon and its results, during the Hackathon Period and for three years thereafter.

Some Submission components may be displayed to the public. Other Submission materials may be viewed by the sponsor and judges for screening and evaluation. By submitting an entry or accepting any prize, entrants represent and warrant that

(a) submitted content is not copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless entrant is the owner of such rights or has permission from their rightful owner to post the content;

and (b) the content submitted does not contain any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware or other disabling devices or harmful or malicious code.