
All entries will be scored based on the following six dimensions:


Initial Review 50% (Technical Dimensions)

  • Technical Difficulty (20%): The problem being solved should have a certain level of technical challenge, with the project demonstrating breakthroughs and innovation on a technical level.

  • Project Completion (20%): The project should be fully implemented, not just a concept, with a complete Demo or Proof of Concept (POC).

  • Compliance (10%): The project must be submitted within the specified timeframe and meet the required standards.

The initial review will mainly assess code submissions, new features, testing completeness, continuous integration, and deployment during the hackathon. Projects with clear submission history will better enable judges to understand the actual development work.

Finals 50% (Business Dimensions)

  • Business Value (20%): The problem being solved should have practical commercial application and value.

  • Innovation (20%): The project should have a novel concept with breakthrough potential, capable of challenging traditional thinking.

  • User Experience (10%): The proposal should be intuitive and understandable for potential users.

The qualification for participating in Demo Day will be determined by the initial review scores. After Demo Day, the judges may adjust the technical scores based on the actual functionality developed.



初审 50%:(技术维度)

  • 技术难度 (20%): 解决的问题具有一定的技术挑战,项目在技术层面有一定的突破和创新。

  • 项目完成度 (20%): 项目实现完备,不仅仅是概念,Demo 或 Proof of Concept (POC) 展示完整。

  • 规范性(10%): 项目在规定时间内提交,且内容规范。


决赛 50%:(商业维度)

  • 商业价值 (20%): 解决的问题具有实际的商业应用和价值。

  • 创新性 (20%): 立意新颖,具备突破性,能够打破传统思维。

  • 用户体验(10%): 提案对潜在用户的直观性和可理解程度。

参与 Demo Day 的项目的资格由初审的得分决定,技术得分在 Demo Day 完成后评委可以结合实际开发的功能进行调整。