Updated 490 days ago

Interchain Marketplace

Maximize the value of NFTs by enabling freedom of transfer between interoperable digital asset marketplaces.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • CosmosHub
  • NFT
  • Uptick

Our Interchain Marketplace is a fully decentralized platform based on blockchain technology, providing secure, transparent, and efficient NFT digital asset trading services.

The marketplace supports cross-chain transactions, allowing you to freely trade and transfer assets between different blockchain networks. Currently, on the Interchain Marketplace, we have achieved the ability to cross-chain transfer NFTs that were created within the Uptick Ecosystem, over to the IRISnet Chain. These NFTs are now recognized and users can proceed to trade them on the Uptick on IRISnet Marketplace(https://Interchain.gon.upticknft.app).

The cross-chain interface service offered by the ICScan community enables the display of the cross-chain asset history.