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Created by@samar19
Created on2023/09/23
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MithcrypHack · 2024/01/28

Dora'sthink #514270

Dorahacks 2024 #dorahacks #Esmithbuu
Mikailu Nadro · 2023/10/18


This presentation provides an overview of SHA-256, a widely used cryptographic hash function. SHA-256, which stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256, is known for its one-way nature and resistance to brute-force and collision attacks. It was developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA) and is part of the SHA-2 family. This function can be implemented in various ways, including hardware, and is often used in gadgets for cryptographic operations. The second section outlines the key features of SHA-256, including its fixed output length, collision resistance, and efficiency, making it suitable for various applications such as data integrity protection, digital signatures, password hashing, and blockchain technology. The final section discusses the pros and cons of SHA-256. It highlights its security, speed, and determinism as advantages, while noting potential vulnerabilities to quantum computing and its unsuitability for password storage as disadvantages. Additionally, the fixed output size and resource intensity are mentioned as potential limitations. Understanding these aspects is crucial before utilizing SHA-256 in applications. #dorahacks @DoraHacks @U_ba0f059fce5220