⭐️Huobi Incubator Web3 Hackathon&Scholorship Winners Announced! (2nd Batch)

Here to unveil the 2nd batch winners! Over 60 submissions arrived at the 2nd round contest, peaking the cutting-edge innovations to a new high. Highlighting with the one, and only BUIDL winning the First Prize out of the 1st and 2nd batches, you will find the answer to the truth in leading the next Web3 heatwaves.

Below, we attached the judges’ comments on our 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize winners. These are your inspirational notes sent from the Huobi Incubator Judges Panel and hopefully should you be triggered to think further about the next revolutionary change in the blockchain world!

The shortlisted BUIDLs are as follows:

Frist Prize



Our vision is to create KYC solutions with zero-knowledge proof and multi-party computing. We believe that the best way to provide security for your customers and data is to use cutting-edge technology, which can be used in a variety of ways.

Judge’s Comment

zkPass is a privacy-preserving decentralized KYC solution based on MPC (Multi-Party Computation) and ZKP (Zero-Knowledge Proof), which aims to build an open-source protocol and identity verification products to bring trusted data into Web3 space and keep data under the control of the users and eliminate the risk of data breaches.

Privacy is a fundamental right of people. zkPass is bridging the trusted data source to Web3.0 for authentication, a paradigm shift for Web3.0 identity innovation.

Second Prize

Prestare Finance


Prestare Finance (Prestare) is a lending protocol that offers a lower collateral ratio and can even support undercollateralized loans without using off-chain information.

Judge’s Comment

Prestare Finance is a lending protocol that offers a lower collateral ratio and can even support undercollateralized loans without using off-chain information.

Prestare does not only rely on credit ratings based on historical on-chain/off-chain data, but also introduces a credit token based on reserve pool, which is an innovative financial mechanism.

Third Prize

POB Proctocal


POB is an on-chain collaboration layer based on decentralized workflow. Everyone can issue, claim and verify web3 tasks and workflows, and Soulbound Tokens are issued for accomplished tasks as a form of verifiable reputation.

Judge’s Comment

POB is an on-chain collaboration layer based on decentralized workflow. Everyone can issue, claim and verify web3 tasks and workflows, and Soulbound Tokens are issued for accomplished tasks as a form of verifiable reputation.

On-chain collaboration tools like POB can improve organizational transparency as well as personal reputation, and inspire more and more web3 builders to create value together.