
  • no chapters


There will be multiple tracks and bounties for hackers to hack on. They will fall under the following Categories:

Sponsor specific bounties

  • Superfluid and CowSwap are running their own bounties that are not tied directly to the Safe core SDK but tie to our greater ecosystem, you can find their bounties in the link below.

Best Safe{CORE} SDK x Sponsor

  • This will be for the best use case of the Safe{CORE} SDK integration with each sponsor.

Best AA project x Sponsor

  • The best AA project using each sponsors stack. There will be tiered 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.

Prize pool

  • $4,000 will be distributed evenly between all qualifying applications

Feel free to build using multiple tracks and integrations, we want to see your creativity and hacking skills at work.

For the full Tracks breakdown please refer - All tracks Here