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The total 'cash' prize pool is $15k, split as following:

  1. Build an invoicing app - $7500 prize pool - an application that uses Request Network to create, cancel, approve, pay, and manage invoices. Recommend using the rnf_invoice v0.3.0 format because it contains all the typical invoice fields. Bonus points if you implement advanced payment types like:
  • Conversion payments (denominated in Fiat but paid in Crypto)

  • Swap-to-pay payments (execute a swap immediately before sending payment)

  • Escrow payments (that use the Request Network escrow contract)

  • Streaming payments (that use Request Network’s Superfluid integration)

  1. Build a payment app - $2500 prize pool - an application that uses Request Network for e-commerce, and the request serves as a receipt. Bonus points if your app creates the payment before creating the request. This is because typical e-commerce apps settle the payment before issuing a receipt. Issuing a receipt first causes difficulties in handling canceled orders, drop-offs, stock count, dashboards, and reporting

  2. Build an accounting app - $2500 prize pool - an application that combines Request Network information with a user’s other financial data to create a complete financial picture. Another approach uses Request Network’s infrastructure as a storage layer for accounting data, journal entries, or financial statements.

  3. Build a lending app - $2500 prize pool - an application that uses the Request Invoice NFTs (TransferableReceivables) to facilitate swapping invoices for funds. The invoice will be a receivable and facilitate use cases such as invoice factoring and supply chain financing.

The Request Network Foundation has also set aside $35k for projects that submit and afterward apply for our grants program.

The prize money will be distributed through our invoicing system.