
PEGO is a Web3 infrastructure that provides high autonomy, scalability, and sustainability for decentralized applications. PEGO has designed a fully community-driven autonomous Web3 infrastructure, where all on-chain parameters can be flexibly adjusted through proposals initiated by the community. According to the PPOS consensus, the established composite economic incentive mechanism can promote the sustainable development of the PEGO ecosystem. Additionally, the PEGO blockchain is fully compatible with the EVM system, making it ideal for developers aiming to build scalable decentralized applications.

As a sustainable Layer 1 blockchain, PEGO Network aims to build a blockchain for everyone. Since launching the mainnet over a month ago, PEGO has already achieved 800k+ token addresses, 1m transaction times, and PG token 24h transaction amount around 20m. PEGO Foundation has established Swap, Wallet, and Bridge based on the network. However, we see even more potential for PEGO Network and the community is calling for more practical applications to be built based on it. This is why we launched the Developer Grants Program and are collaborating with Dorahack to announce the hackathon, which aims to develop the PEGO ecosystem further and incentivize developers to create competitive applications.

The hackathon will take place from August 8th to September 30th, and applicants can submit their applications online to win $100k in prizes and receive full-cycle support from PEGO Foundation.PEGO encourages builders to utilize our ecosystem services to create applications.

Awards Pool:

The PEGO Foundation will share all tracks with PEGO communities and arrange a project demo day. The team will issue rewards to projects based on community voting and the following criteria:

  • Vision and use case
  • Creative & Innovation— How creative and innovative or unusual is the idea?
  • Improvement of functionality or efficiency in DeFi, Metaverse, AI, Gaming, Social, and DAO applications
  • Review of open-source code
  • Usability of the dApp
  • Winning teams must be deployed on PEGO Network and launched on PEGO to receive the entire prize.

The most wanted reward

  • First Prize (1 Winner): $10,000-$30,000
  • Second Prize (Up to 5 Winners): $5,000
  • Third Prize (Up to 20 Winners): $1,000

The most innovative rewards

  • $3,000 DeFi Project
  • $3,000 Infrastructure
  • $3,000 NFTs Project
  • $3,000 DAO / Community Project
  • $3,000 Identity, Social, and Wallets Project
  • $3,000 Games and GameFi Project
  • $3,000 AI Project


All projects must meet the following basic requirements:

  1. The project must be built on the PEGO mainnet.
  2. A public GitHub repository must be available for the project.
  3. Participants must submit a practical project and prepare a complete Deck with a framework (including project introduction, economic model, team member introduction and plans, etc.)


  • Registration & Submission period: 8th Aug to 30th Sep
  • Review and Judging: Sep 15th to 5th Oct
  • Shortlisted project Demos: 8th-30th Sep
  • Winner’s Project Demo/Closing Ceremony: 15th Oct


No limits to the category

About PEGO Network





Join the Hackathon Channel in Discord:


Network name: PEGO Mainnet

Chain ID: 20201022

Currency Symbol: PG

RPC node:

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