
Step 0. Create an account

Open https://dorahacks.io/hackathon, and click on the right corner to log in. (If you’re new to DoraHacks, login with your GitHub or Email. If you encounter a mobile verification process, you may skip.)

Step 1.

Go to https://dorahacks.io/hackathon and find the PadTON Hackathon Season 1 then Click the hackathon — “Submit BUIDL” or go to https://hackathon.padton.com/season-1 then Click "Submit Project".


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Step 2.

Fill in the form to offer the information of your project and submit.

Once you’ve completed the new BUIDL setup, select the relevant track, and click “Submit for review.”

After submission, you’ll see a notification confirming your project has been submitted.

Step 3. Project Verification

Wait! Don't just leave your BUIDL here and forget about it. Please contact DoraHacks staff on Telegram @dorahacksofficial for project verification and promotional support. We'll make every BUIDL a poster and arrange a live project demo session for you via Youtube Live/Binance Live. Don't let go of the chance to receive huge visibility! Or, you can also reach us out at the #buidl-verification channel in the Discord https://discord.gg/PCdeK2nfwh

Want to make some changes to your BUIDL?

You can edit any details of your project in “My Profile-edit”, including project description, team members, tracks and bounties, etc..

Contact the PadTON team for support

Email: info@padton.com

Telegram Community: https://t.me/PadTONCommunityTopics