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  • User Experience / User Interface How useable is your project? Does it look nice? Does it accomplish what it's set out to do in an easy-to-use and approachable way? (5 Points)

  • Originality / Uniqueness Has this project been done before? Is it unique? (5 Points)

  • Ecosystem Impact - Projects that contribute to the development and growth of the ecosystem, such as by solving significant challenges or creating new opportunities. (5 Points)

  • Technicality How complex is the problem you're solving? How many moving parts? Did you build it efficiently? How clean is the code? (5 Points)

  • Practicality Is this something people will want to use? Does this have business value? Is this something that could grow and have a mass following? (5 Points)

  • WOW, factor Buffer points for anything not captured in the above pieces of criteria! (5 Points)

*Average Per Criteria out of 5 Points. Default at 2.