
August 22, 2023 - We're excited to share that our long-term NISQ Quantum Grant has found a new home under Mini Grant! This change means the program is now open for submissions year-round. Whether you're working on a quantum computing project or conducting research, you're invited to participate and potentially get funded at any time. Simply head over to the Mini Grant page and submit your project here. Looking forward to seeing your innovative ideas!


As a rapidly advancing technology, quantum computing utilizes the laws of quantum mechanics to leverage the physical effects of quantum superposition and entanglement, dramatically reducing the computation time for complex problems that would require thousands of years for classical computers to solve. In the post-Moore's Law era, quantum computing's superior processing power is set to revolutionize and transform humanity's future in countless ways.

To further support the development of quantum computing applications, open source tools, quantum physics experiments, and community building, the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) Quantum Hackathon, initiated by Hacker Dojo, is now available! The hackathon's application channel is open to the public for an extended period, and the second round of funding has reached 10,000 US dollars. Teams conducting research in quantum computing are encouraged to apply and participate in advancing the ecological development of quantum technology. Let us work together and build a better future through quantum computing!


The application entry is open permanently. Here is the schedule for round-3:

Project Submission[Round 3]: Jun 30th - July 31st

Judging [Round 3]: August 1st - 7th

Community Voting: TBD

Result Announcement: TBD


Application Track: Develop applications that take advantage of available quantum computers, showcasing their superior performance and demonstrating quantum supremacy.

Tooling Track: Build open-source tools that enable developers and builders to create quantum applications with ease.

Experiment Track: Conduct physics experiments that push the boundaries of quantum theory and explore new possibilities.

Community Track: Foster quantum computing communities and education initiatives that promote knowledge sharing and collaboration.


  • Individuals or teams are all acceptable for joining the Hackathon.
  • You need to be from an academic background of quantum computing and quantum physics
  • You are passionate about studying quantum computing in depth and promote the development of quantum computing From

Grant Distribution

The total grant pool is divided into BUIDLer grants($5,000 in total) and community quadratic funding grant pool($5,000).

BUIDLer’s Grants: $5,000 in total The grant winners are selected according to judges’ scoring results.

First Grant: $500

Second Grant: $300

Rising Star Grant: $100

Community Quadratic Funding Grant Pool: $5,000 in total

First Grants and second grants winners will enter the community quadratic voting round.The final distribution is determined by the results of MACI voting.

Project Application

  • Click "Submit BUIDL" in the NISQ Quantum Hackathon Round-1 to provide details about your project.
  • To verify the authenticity of your project and prepare for the next steps, please contact @HackerDōjo0 on Telegram or @HackerDōjo0 on Wechat after submitting your project.

What is Dora Dōjō?

Dora Dōjo is an open-source knowledge community focused on cutting-edge technologies such as encryption and Web3, co-built by hackers. We regularly organize and share knowledge in the form of live broadcasts, audio, and text. The topics covered include L1 and L2 consensus algorithms, architecture, and related content in GitHub repositories. Some of the specific topics covered include Scroll/Polygon zkEVM, Eigen's hybrid proof system, Starkware, Aztec, Optimism, Zecrey, Aptos, Move, cryptography (including zero-knowledge proof, public key encryption, hash functions, and lattice ciphers), distributed systems, the Ethereum protocol stack, quantum computing and quantum information, and satellite communication and spacecraft system design.

About QuCS

Quantum computer system lecture series (QuCS) from introduction session to research topic session organized by Zhiding Liang and Hanrui Wang. We are aiming to build basic quantum knowledge for the audience without quantum computing background but interested in, also we are targeting to introduce more advanced research topics in the area by inviting experts in quantum computing.

About FinQ

FinQ Tech Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on learning and sharing quantum computing and related technology. Up to now, nearly 500 members worldwide have joined us; most have quantum-related backgrounds. FinQ organizes various activities including monthly quantum workshops, case studies, journal clubs, and in-person meetings to promote the development and communication of quantum computing technology.


Telegram: @DoraDojo0

WeChat: @HackerDojo0

E-mail: hackerdojo0@gmail.com