Track1: Use OKP4 blockchain governance rules capabilities to enhance the Cosmos ecosystem

Get to know OKP4 and the logic module

OKP4 blockchain has a special "logic" module built-in, which enables Prolog rules evaluation. Prolog is a perfect language to define governance for DAOs and more; it allows way more expressiveness than you could define with CosmWasm and others. The "law-stone" CosmWasm smart contract deployed on OKP4 leverages the logic module.


Enhance existing CosmWasm smart contracts tied to governance and consent rules to provide relevant new features that can only be possible using Prolog language:

  • accounts whitelisting related to cross-chain addresses and decentralized identifiers (DID)
  • variables from data stored in an object storage smart contract (OKP4's "objectarium")
  • ... and anything you could have in mind!

Requirements to win

Your project should provide a working proof of concept interacting with a "law-stone" instance deployed on the OKP4 testnet.

Although you can adopt any implementation, we would highly appreciate it if you:

  • Use NYMLAB's Vectis and link guardianship to Prolog rules.
  • Extend DA0-DA0 smart contracts with advanced governance rules, especially for voting powers

Docs & support:

Track2: ABCI++ Track


The Cosmos SDK and CometBFT are at the center of Cosmos. The Cosmos SDK provides a toolkit for building modular, scalable, and interoperable blockchains, while CometBFT provides a consensus algorithm that is secure and efficient.

The newest releases of the Cosmos SDK (0.50) and CometBFT (0.38) introduce a number of new features and improvements, including support for ABCI++. ABCI++ is a new interface between the Cosmos SDK and the application state machine and has introduced new functionality such as Vote Extensions.

This hackathon is an opportunity for builders to explore new and innovative use cases for ABCI++. We are looking for applications that:

  • Leverage the new functionality of ABCI++ with Vote Extensions.
  • Use ABCI++ in innovative and creative ways.
  • Are well-designed and implemented.

We encourage participants to think outside the box and to come up with new and innovative ways to use ABCI++. We are particularly interested in applications that can benefit the Cosmos ecosystem, but we are open to all proposals.

Ideas list:

  • Oracle
  • NFT market
  • Decentralised exchange

Community resources:

Official Docs



Building Applications


  • Sergio from CometBFT
  • Facundo from Binary Builders


  • Lauren from CometBFT
  • Ali from CometBFT
  • Fabian from Frens
  • Sam Binary Builders
  • Both judges above



Title: TBD

Speakers: Facundo from Binary Builders and Ali from CometBFT


Title: ABCI++ Workshop : Leveraging Vote Extensions to mitigate auction front running

Speakers: Sam from Binary Builders and Lauren from CometBFT

Track3: Neutron Cross-Chain Application Challenge

Judges: Mikhail Mozhaev, Kai Tyurin, Andrei Zavgorodny

One-liner: Create an asynchronous IBC application using CosmWasm, ICQ and ICTX

Challenge Description:

In the Neutron Hackmos Track Challenge, participants are tasked with developing a non-trivial IBC application using CosmWasm smart contracts on the Neutron blockchain. This application should leverage Neutron's ICTX module for IBC actions and the ICQ module for querying information from remote chains.

A non-trivial application, in this context, is one that empowers users to trigger actions capable of altering the state on more than one remote chain. It is essential to prioritize the robustness of your application, especially concerning error handling. Participants must demonstrate the implementation of a fail-safe mechanism that ensures correct behavior even in the event of errors during execution steps.

Challenge Objectives:

1. IBC Proficiency: Showcase your expertise in utilizing IBC capabilities within Neutron's ecosystem.

2. CosmWasm Integration: Integrate the use of CosmWasm smart contracts to create a sophisticated IBC application.

3. Cross-Chain Interaction: Develop an application that interacts with multiple remote chains, affecting their states.

4. Error Resilience: Implement a comprehensive error-handling mechanism to ensure the application's reliability and user experience.

Hackmos Workshop

Title: Mastering Remote Account Control with Neutron's ICTX Module

Description: Join our workshop to learn how to wield Neutron's ICTX module effectively for remote account management. Gain insights into controlling accounts on a remote chain and explore account recovery techniques, including the intricacies of recreating an interchain account.

Host: Mikhail Mozhaev

Cosmoverse Tech Workshop

Title: Empowering Mainnet Forking: Tools and Techniques

Description: Join us in this workshop as we delve into the critical realm of mainnet operations and explore the imperative need for mainnet forking in various use cases. Discover the innovative tool developed by Hadron Labs for this purpose and gain insights into alternative approaches.

Host: Kai Tyurin

Bounty: Innovate with Akash: Decentralized Cloud Track


For Hackmos, Akash Network is inviting participants to leverage the power of Akash Network to build innovative and decentralized solutions for cloud computing. Akash Network is a decentralized cloud marketplace that enables users to find, buy, and sell cloud computing resources in a secure and efficient manner.


Develop a DApp or tool that utilizes Akash Network to solve real-world problems or enhances it’s existing cloud computing services. Your project should showcase the advantages of decentralized cloud infrastructure, such as improved cost efficiency, data security, and scalability.

Project Ideas (not limited to)

  • Decentralized Content Delivery Network (CDN): Build a decentralized CDN using Akash Network that distributes and caches content across multiple nodes. This can improve website loading times, reduce latency, and enhance the resilience of web applications.
  • Decentralized Storage Solution: Create a decentralized file storage DApp on Akash that allows users to securely store and access their files while emphasizing data privacy and security. You could incorporate encryption and smart contract-based access controls.
  • Decentralized Video Streaming Platform: Develop a decentralized video streaming platform that utilizes Akash Network for transcoding and hosting videos. Showcase how decentralized infrastructure can provide cost-effective and scalable video streaming services.
  • Decentralized Gaming Backend: Build a backend infrastructure for online multiplayer games on Akash Network. Highlight how decentralized infrastructure can improve gaming experiences by reducing server downtime and latency.
  • Decentralized Machine Learning Training: Create a DApp that enables users to train machine learning models using Akash's computing resources. Emphasize the cost efficiency and scalability benefits of decentralized cloud infrastructure for data-intensive tasks.
  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Analytics: Develop a tool that provides real-time analytics for DeFi projects hosted on Akash Network. This can include tracking liquidity, yield farming strategies, and token performance. Showcase the security and data integrity advantages of decentralized cloud infrastructure.
  • Decentralized Content Delivery for Education: Build a platform that offers educational content, such as video lectures and course materials, utilizing Akash Network for content delivery and storage. Highlight the potential for decentralized infrastructure to provide reliable and accessible educational resources.
  • Decentralized Healthcare Data Exchange: Create a secure platform for sharing and exchanging healthcare data using Akash Network. Emphasize the privacy and security features of decentralized cloud computing for sensitive data.
  • Decentralized IoT Data Processing: Develop a solution for processing and analyzing data from Internet of Things (IoT) devices using Akash Network. Showcase how decentralized infrastructure can handle large-scale data processing efficiently and securely.
  • Decentralized Media Streaming Service: Build a DApp for decentralized media streaming, including music and podcasts, using Akash Network. Highlight how decentralized cloud computing can reduce costs for content creators and improve content availability.

Bounty Prize:

  • $2,500.00 USD paid in AKT

Submission Guidelines:

  • Your project must be built using Akash Network or integrate it significantly.
  • Provide clear documentation, including setup instructions, code explanations, and any dependencies.
  • Submit a video demo (3-5 minutes) showcasing your project's features and functionality.
  • Include a detailed README file in your GitHub repository.
  • The project should be open-source and licensed under an OSI-approved license.

Judging Criteria: Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Innovation and Originality: How unique and groundbreaking is your solution within the context of cloud computing and Akash Network?
  • Functionality: Does your project work as intended, and does it effectively leverage Akash Network's capabilities?
  • User Experience: Is the DApp or tool user-friendly and accessible to a broad audience?
  • Impact: How does your project address real-world cloud computing challenges, and what potential impact could it have on the industry?
  • Documentation and Open Source: Is your project well-documented, and is it open-source for community contributions and improvement?

Akash Network Resources:

Remember to join the Akash Network community on Discord and interact with other participants for guidance, support, and collaboration throughout the hackathon.

Let's decentralize the cloud and revolutionize cloud computing with Akash Network! Good luck, hackers!

Bounty: Abstract SDK Bounty


CosmWasm Orchestrator (cw-orchestrator) is an environment-agnostic CosmWasm scripting library. It enables developers to use the same Rust code to write mock and e2e integration tests and deployment scripts. It also significantly reduces and simplifies the syntax required to perform those tasks.


  • Write integration tests with cw-orch using the Mock environment which is an IBC-enabled cw-multi-test mock environment.
  • Develop integration tests using the Osmosis test-tube environment which allows for executing Stargate messages.
  • Deploy your contracts to local, test, or mainnet chains using the Daemon environment.
  • Use cw-orchestrator’s IBC features for CosmWasm IBC development. (free beta available)
  • Publish a crate with your interfaces and deployment logic for use by other teams.

About Abstract SDK

Abstract is an interchain application platform built to allow developers and startups to collaborate better and write more scalable, robust, and advanced smart-contract applications. We provide a selection of application development tools, including:

  • Smart-contract framework & on-chain infrastructure (Abstract SDK)
  • Development tooling (cw-orchestrator)
  • Front-end libraries (Abstract.js)
  • Developer Console (Abstract Console)

First and foremost, we provide a smart-contract framework with conventions to build applications “modularly,” which means that as a dev, you can use modules and integrations published by other teams and focus directly on your business logic.

Once deployed and published, applications are available on the app store on the Abstract Account Console, which will be available to users across the interchain.

Overview of the Abstract Platform

The Abstract platform is currently deployed on Neutron, Juno, Terra, Archway, Sei, and other CosmWasm chains are a simple deployment away.

Challenge Description:

Develop a modular application using Abstract SDK. Some application ideas can be found here. We encourage developers to combine this challenge with the other CosmWasm challenges such as Neutron’s, Akash’s, and/or Nibiru’s.

Challenge Objectives:

  1. App Module: Develop an app module(s) that contains the business logic for your application.
  2. Inter-Module Interaction: Leverage other modules available on the Abstract platform like the Dex and Cw-Staking contracts.
  3. Deployment: Deploy your application using cw-orchestrator and Abstract’s deployment helpers.
  4. Frontend: Craft a frontend to interact with your application.

Docs & Support:

Hackmos Workshop

Title: Streamlining CosmWasm Development with Cw-Orchestrator

Description: cw-orchestrator is an advanced testing and deployment tool for CosmWasm smart-contracts. It simplifies and unifies smart-contract interactions and supports any CosmWasm execution environment including mocks and live networks. Cw-orchestrator’s lead engineer Nicolas gives an overview on how to use cw-orchestrator to accelerate and simplify your development process.

Host: Nicolas Kowalski


  • Adair
  • Robin
  • Nicolas


  • Adair Kelly

Bounty: Nibiru Chain: DeFi Money Legos


Nibiru invites Hackmos participants to build DeFi Money Legos, either as dApps or dev tools for other projects, leveraging CosmWasm and Nibiru.

Project Ideas:

  • Prediction Markets: Build a platform for users to bet on future events from the Nibiru blockchain by buying and selling fungible tokens that represent the probability of certain outcomes. Odds will then be determined dynamically based on the supply and demand of the probability shares. This could leverage x/oracle and should support creation of arbitrary markets.
  • Synthetics: Build a decentralized liquidity layer based on synthetic assets that can be composed with dApps on Nibiru and other chains in the IBC ecosystem. This would likely leverage Nibiru’s Oracle Module to allow the creation of synths for arbitrary assets by pulling data from off-chain APIs.
  • See the full RFP List for more info.
  • Index Tokens: Construct a platform that allows users to create and manage indices of popular cryptocurrencies, yield-bearing assets, or RWAs (stocks, commodities, etc.).
  • Mobile Tool/App: Build a tool to see asset performance, analytics, user portfolios or other data from a mobile device.
  • Oracle Infra: Add new data sources to the NibiruChain/pricefeeder, or add interesting data feeds that other dApps could build upon. For example, a data feed for random/pseudo-random numbers that can be queried in CosmWasm could facilitate gaming dApps. This sort of infra is available on Ethereum, but it’s a missing piece on Cosmos.
  • Lending & Borrowing: Build a platform that enables crypto-collateralized lending and borrowing on Nibiru. Allow users to deposit supported assets as collateral to take out loans in stablecoins or other assets. Interest rates can be determined algorithmically based on utilization. Feel free to explore features like fixed rated lending, flash loans, or undercollateralized loans for whitelisted borrowers.
  • IBC Integrations: Develop ways for users to seamlessly leverage the utility and shared liquidity of CosmWasm-enabled chains. This integration would be between Nibiru and chains like Neutron, Osmosis, Sei, Terra, Injective.
  • Flex: Feel free to propose and build outside of this project idea list if it seems relevant.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Projects should be open-source, have a detailed README, and usage instructions.
  • Include a short demo of some kind, whether as a video or in a well-prepared written format.
  • Make the smart contracts runnable against a local instance of the chain, OR deploy the contracts on testnet.

Judging Criteria:

  • Execution / Functionality
  • User Experience, Developer Experience, Documentation
  • Impact
  • Creativity / Innovation

Mentors & Judges: Erick Pinos (Ecosystem Lead), Unique Divine (Co-founder, Dev)

Nibiru Chain Resources: