Afropolitan and Near Protocol are offering $2,000 in bounties for the best hacks for the Afropolitan community built on the Near Ecosystem. Read Hackathon Guide

The bounty should match at least one of the following 3 themes below. One way to think about it is: “build an app that can be used by a group of people that hold an Afropolitan NFT”. This can be a web app, mobile app, chatbot, or any interface you want.

Hackathon Scoring

Afropolitan Integration

  • How well did you integrate Afropolitan into your product?
    • How well do you address one or more of the 3 themes?
    • Is there a link and logo to Afropolitan in your app?
    • Do you use Afropolitan Founding Citizen NFT token gating? (You can also use a replica of Afropolitan NFTs on other chains, see AfroShare tutorial)
    • Do you use Afropolitan branding?

Near BOS Integration

  • How well did you integrate Near BOS into your product?
    • How many custom components did you create?
    • How many Near and BOS APIs did you use?
    • What other tools in the Near Ecosystem do you use?


1. 1st place - $1,000

2. 2nd place - $500 x 2


1. Identity & Annual Membership:

Developers are to create an application using the NEAR protocol to handle identity verification. This application should provide a robust mechanism to authenticate members of the Afropolitan community. It must be able to record essential member details and manage an annual membership subscription. Bonus points for incorporating a smart contract that automatically handles membership renewals or alerts members when their membership is about to expire.

2. Payments for Events, Travel & Social Activities:

The goal here is to build a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use payment system for community activities. The system must support payments for events, travel, and other social activities hosted by Afropolitan. It can integrate with the identity application (from the first theme) to verify member credentials during payment. Developers should prioritize the security and speed of transactions.

3. Rewards Program:

This theme is about fostering loyalty and engagement within the Afropolitan community. Participants are required to design a reward system that incentivizes members for their platform usage. The system should automatically track member interactions with the platform and allocate rewards accordingly. The more a member interacts, the higher the rewards they should earn. Special attention should be given to how this reward system is connected to the identity and payment systems from the previous themes.