2024/04/01 → 2024/06/30, 00:00

Contribute a free to use DApp onto mainnet

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  • Klaytn
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Contribute a free to use DApp onto mainnet


  • Proposed DApp should be approved beforehand.

  • Full implementation that users can use

  • Can be forks


  1. Airdrop tools
  2. NFT mint tools
  3. POAP mint tools
  4. Community badge mint tools
  5. Smart contract factory


  • Open source
  • Bounty submission should be of good quality (well tested for core functionalities)
  • The bounty was completed on 2024/05/17 16:24

  • haxxsniper submitted a solution on 2024/05/17 04:49
    - Update previous submission with ERC20 and ERC721 airdrop functionalities and improved UX. Original submission: I would like to create and deploy an airdrop smart contract on Klaytn that can airdrop KLAY, ERC20 tokens and NFTs. The DApp will have an easy to use frontend. An airdrop tool is super useful. Projects can use it to distribute tokens, rewards or mass airdrop NFTs for supporters. So far, I have not seen a tool like this on Klaytn. The complete DApp will be open source.

  • Raka submitted a solution on 2024/05/09 05:00
    Hello, I Addition of ERC721-Based MLM Smart Contract I have added an ERC721-based Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) smart contract. This smart contract allows users to register and become part of the MLM system using USDC tokens. The main features of this smart contract are: - Registration of new users with the determination of an upline. - Distribution of profits to uplines based on their level in the MLM system. - Function to view all token IDs owned by an address. - Function to view information about the USDC profits received by a token ID. This smart contract is expected to facilitate transparent and fair MLM transactions by leveraging blockchain technology.

  • 500.0000 KLAY was added to the reward pool on 2024/04/26 16:39

  • haxxsniper received 500.0000 KLAY reward on 2024/04/24 14:47

  • Jerydam submitted a solution on 2024/04/22 18:48
    Contriboost is a platform for contribution system where participants can join, deposit funds, and then have those funds distributed randomly among them at the end of each segment. Here's a summary of its key feature. This contract make use of Factory contract to help user deploy their separate contribution system

  • haxxsniper submitted a solution on 2024/04/22 14:26
    I'm submitting a CrowdFund DApp that can help people to raise money. The following features is included: Creator - Creator can launch a crowdfund campaign - Creator can cancel the crowdfund campaign - Creator can claim the crowdfunded money - Crowdfund will be in WKLAY - Crowdfund can be refunded if not reached goal Funder - Funder can pledge to a crowdfund campaign - Funder can unpledge from a crowdfund campaign - Funder can receive their pledged amount back if the crowdfund goal did not reach

  • haxxsniper submitted a solution on 2024/04/19 13:25
    Airdrop smart contract on Klaytn that can airdrop KLAY, ERC20 tokens and NFTs. The DApp has an easy to use frontend. An airdrop tool is super useful. Projects can use it to distribute tokens, rewards or mass airdrop NFTs for supporters. The complete DApp is open source. Links are below: https://gaslite-ui.vercel.app/ Deployed address on Baobab: https://baobab.klaytnfinder.io/account/0x61684fc62b6a0f1273f69d9fca0e264001a61db6 Deployed address on Cypress: https://klaytnfinder.io/account/0x53a7a12b0a6da201addfe6c3cdcd75df04bba640 UI repo: https://github.com/haxxsniper/gaslite-ui Contracts repo: https://github.com/haxxsniper/gaslite-drop-contracts

  • 1000.0000 KLAY was added to the reward pool on 2024/04/16 22:09

  • hackercodepham submitted a solution on 2024/04/13 02:30
    This is a sample dapp demonstrating how to mint 1 SoulBound NFT on the Klaytn Blockchain testnet. You can contact me if necessary via Telegram @anhphamrs. I hope my solution will be approved soon. Thanks for this bounty.

  • The bounty was created on 2024/04/01 22:27