Part 1: High-Level Overview
Ark Protocol stands at the forefront of the InterChain NFT revolution, building and safeguarding an interconnected NFT ecosystem. As the key contributors to cw-ics721 and the cw-nfts repositories, we're driving innovation across multiple blockchain networks.
Our mission: facilitating seamless and secure NFT interactions across the Cosmos ecosystem.
Ark Protocol stands at the intersection of innovation and utility, enabling NFTs to navigate through various blockchain networks, with partnerships bolstering our reach to chains like Ethereum. Our InterChain gateways at offers diverse utilities for Stargaze, Terra, and Juno, with Aura soon joining the fold.
Our end-of-year goal is ambitious: integrating over 20 blockchains to expand and diversify our platform's capabilities. Ark Protocol is committed to empowering the NFT community, encompassing creators, collectors, marketplaces, and app chains, by providing essential tools for a robust InterChain experience. Join us in reshaping the NFT landscape.
Our collaborations with Stargaze, Terra, Juno, and Cosmos Hub aim to extend NFT interoperability, including Ethereum integration. Ark Protocol empowers the NFT community with robust utilities and infrastructure, fostering a seamless cross-chain experience for creators and collectors.
Part 2: Detailed Descriptions and Workflows
Our platform,, serves as an interchain gateway, offering diverse utilities for Stargaze, Terra, and Juno, with upcoming integrations including Aura. By the end of the year, we plan to integrate over 20 blockchains.
All video demoes can be viewed here:
- Part 1: Overview of InterChain NFT Gateways:
- Part 2: InterChain Transfers:
- Part 3: InterChain Whitelisting:
- Part 4: InterChain Launchpad:
- Part 5: InterChain Compass:
1. NFT InterChain Gateway: Profile with InterChain Utilities
Objective: Enabling seamless InterChain NFT utilities across different blockchain networks, thereby enhancing the user's ability to manage their NFT portfolio effectively.
Utility Highlights:
- Cross-chain NFT management: View and manage NFTs from various chains in one place.
- Simplified InterChain transfers: Transfer NFTs between chains with ease and reliability.
- User-centric design: Focused on providing a streamlined and intuitive user experience.
Roadmap: Future enhancements will include comprehensive holder-specific utilities, showcasing all owned NFTs across chains, transaction history, and additional features like airdrops and giveaways.
The process involves:
- Chain Selection: Choose from Stargaze, Terra, and Juno. Additional chains will be integrated soon.
- Wallet Connection: Choose wallet and connect.
- Collection Overview: View owned NFTs. Collections from other chains display the original address.
- InterChain Transfer Process:
- Select a target chain and target address for the NFT to be transferred to.
- Submit the transfer and execute via "Go InterChain!"
2. Community Engagement Gateway: Whitelist and POAP Giftcard Minter
URL: Community Engagement Gateway
Objective: Educate users on InterChain utilities while providing an engaging and seamless community experience.
Utility Highlights:
- Interactive whitelisting: Participate in whitelisting by submitting PFPs, encouraging active community engagement.
- POAP NFT Reward: Each WL request is acknowledged with a unique POAP NFT, enhancing user engagement and experience.
- Gamified competition: Scorecards and competition between chains to spur community interaction. The more a user updates and submits WL request, the higher XP points and ranks increases in minted POAP.
Roadmap: Aim to contribute and merge this InterChain whitelist contract and additional InterChain NFT contracts into the cw-nfts repository.
This utility exemplifies how InterChain processes can enhance community involvement and streamline the WL process for NFT collections, adding a new dimension to the conventional WL systems. It demonstrates the complexity of NFT utilities going InterChain, addressing multiple chains and defining rules for whitelisting (WL).
Whitelisting Process:
- Whitelisting Rule: Obtain a WL spot by submitting image URLs as PFPs.
- Reward Mechanism: Receive a POAP NFT for each WL request.
Workflow Steps:
- Community Involvement Scorecard: View the "Stargaze vs Terra" scorecard to gauge community engagement on each chain.
- Wallet Connection and Chain Selection: Connect your wallet, choose a chain, and enter the WL process.
- Submission of Images for Whitelisting: Users submit their PFPs as image URLs for WL consideration.
- Minting of POAP WL Request and Status NFTs: Upon submission, users are rewarded with 2 NFTs:
- "POAP WL Request" NFT
- "POAP WL Launched Status" NFT
- Minting Final Status NFT (Success or Fail): Transferred WL NFT is validated on target chain, and on source chain either a Success or Failed Status NFT is minted:
- "Final POAP Success Status" NFT
- "Final POAP Error Status" NFT
3. Creator’s Gateway - InterChain Launchpad
URL: Creator’s Gateway
Objective: To provide creators with a platform to launch their NFT collections across multiple blockchain networks, expanding their reach and audience.
Utility Highlights:
- InterChain minting: Launch NFTs on various chains for a single collection.
- Customizable launches: Tailor launch parameters like chains, pricing and supply on each chain.
- Enhanced creator tools: Access to advanced features for managing launches, airdrops, and more.
- Creator's Gateway: The development of a dedicated "creators gateway" for managing collections and interchain utilities, including whitelists, snapshots, and airdrops.
- Launchpad Overview: View active and upcoming collections, along with minting schedules and supply details.
- Chain-Specific Minting: Shows which chains support minting, along with prices and total mints per chain.
4. InterChain Compass Gateway (Explorer)
URL: InterChain Compass Gateway
Objective: To offer a comprehensive explorer for InterChain contracts and NFT movements, providing transparency and insights into the InterChain ecosystem.
Utility Highlights:
- Detailed contract views: Explore contract information, including configurations and proxy details.
- NFT tracking: Monitor the movement of NFTs across different chains.
- Insightful analytics: Gain valuable insights into NFT and contract interactions for better decision-making.
An explorer providing comprehensive data and insights for NFTs across chains:
- Contract Availability and Configuration: Displays chains supporting InterChain contracts with incoming and outgoing proxy details.
- Collections and Proxies: View collections associated with ICS721 contracts and their proxies.
Part 3: Ark's contribution so far
The InterChain Compass is pivotal in releasing new InterChain utilities and onboarding additional chains. Key contributions include:
- cw-ics721 (public): (38693 LoC, ~350 commits). The core InterChain contract with interfaces for proxies.
- cw-ics721-proxy (public): (~4400 LoC, ~40 commits). A reference implementation for proxies.
- ics721-tools (public): (9496 LoC, ~100 commits). A script-based CLI tool for chain interaction and command execution.
- ics721-plus (private): (~35000 LoC, ~500 commits). Enhanced outgoing proxy implementation and other features.
- ics721-frontend (private): The v1 interchain gateway.
- arkite (private): (~48000 LoC, ~300 commits). The upcoming InterChain launchpad and marketplace.
- ics721-nodes (private): (~55000 LoC, ~200 commits). Deployments and docker containers for relayers, frontends, and monitoring across chains.
Ark Protocol's contributions are volunteer-driven and self-funded, with significant support from Stargaze, Terra, Juno, and Cosmos Hub. Each chain integration requires meticulous testing and setup, with the complexity increasing exponentially as more chains are added.
Join us at Ark Protocol, where we're not just building products; we're shaping the future of InterChain NFTs.