Updated 297 days ago


A Dapp which Dollor Cost Average Tokens with just one Click and with On-Chain Notifications.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon
  • Polkadot
  • Metamask
  • Defi

DCAer ~ A Dapp which Dollor Cost Average Tokens with just one Click and with On-Chain Notifications.

The Project is Deployed on Phala and Polygon Mainnet.


DCAer :

  • User Story : I want to invest 10$ daily in x token but I don't have time to perform swaps daily as it's Boring....

  • Don't Worry,i Got you....

  • My solition :

    • Give how much Total amount you want to swap into a token.
    • Give Duration at which these swaps needs to be performed Eg : Every Hour in a day or Every 5 minutes.
    • Sign a Approval Request of Total Amount of tokens.
    • That's It.
  • Tech Stacks/ Process :

    • At Entry the User's data about DCA is Stored in An API .
    • Following Data is sotred :
      • Token 1(USDC) and Token 2(PHALA) to Swap
      • Total Value of Token 1 to swap in multiple x Durations .
      • Duration at which DCA Action needs to be take.
    • D2.png
    • Phat Functions are used to fetch User's data from the API with a Wallet Address .
    • This Data is then sent to Consumer contract through Phala's Phat Function.
    • D3.png
    • The receiving Side of the consumer smart contract will perform the Swap with the Specified data.
    • After the swap, an On-Chain Push Notification will be sent to the **user's Wallet ** so that he/she is Notified about the DCA Action, after every Swap.
    • D4.png
    • This process will continue till the Allowance of Token 1 becomes 0 for the consumer Contract.
    • User can repeat the same process by just increasing the Allowance of Token 1.
  • To Run:

    • Git clone and cd to Frontend.
    • run npm install there
    • Run index.html with Linve Server.
    • Subscribe to the Push Channel mentioned at the start.