Updated 439 days ago


Cross-chain and multi-currency money management tool for friends/partners to track bills and other shared expenses ;)

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Metamask
  • L2
  • Social
  • Crosschain Infrastructure
  • Mobile

Problem ⚠️

Web3 is still in it’s early adoption because most of the products are not really usable for the regular people unless they understand all the terminologies and how things work around here. People are hesitant to own crypto fearing they would get carried away with these fancy naming and new conventions. People need applications that they can use in their day to day life but and also not feel overwhelmed with terms that they don’t understand. As people mostly use crypto to pay money to each other and invest in NFTs, there is a requirement for the users to have an app that manages bills and keeps track of expenses.

Proposal 💭

CircleCut is an Android Native mobile application built with Circle’s User controlled wallets. Here is the user story. User when entering the app, logs in with his gmail account for seamless web2-like onboarding. After onboarding, user can choose to purchase USDC or EURC using CirlceMint feature. Users can invite his colleagues or friends to connect or join a shared expense group. The users in the group can add their crypto expenses in USDC, EURC or any crypto on all chains that are supported by Circle. Users can settle the expenses of different cryptos using a single currency. CircleCut smart contract powered by Phala Network will be used to fetch price conversion real time when the user is settling his expenses. The user first calls the “getSettlement” function to get the realtime price conversion for all the currencies he need to settle with the currency he chooses to settle with. For example, if he settles with USDC and he owes EURC, ETH, MATIC to 5 different users. He gets the total amount to be paid on-chain using the Phala Network Oracle so that the price conversion is verified and transparent. And then he calls the “settle” function with the amount of USDC he owes. This sends out the respective value of USDC each person is owed in the same chain. If the user wishes to transfer the USDC or EURC from one chain to another, he can do it seamlessly in the app using the Cross-chain swaps feature provided by CircleCCTP. User can also withdraw and deposit funds anytime from and to anyone’s wallet.

Flow Diagram ⚙️


Bottom Line

We have well documented our development process from the Day 1 of the hackathon constantly staying in touch with the development team, attending technical workshops in the Circle Discord Channel. Thanks to the Circle Team and DoraHacks for helping us throughout this development journey.

Important Links❗❗

Brainstorming and Project Management(Notion) => https://gabrielaxy.notion.site/512f5ab8b5fe48888ba8bb1e2290b969?v=ae535e6553d54aa7bb21866681ca9ab7

Pitch => https://www.canva.com/design/DAF0nwQRGOg/m8rWFT-nfMwobkUxEOp1Fg/edit

Demo Video => https://www.canva.com/design/DAF1CxFRhoY/kmlrgm0pRGLModyRTYaH7g/view

Github Repos => https://github.com/orgs/CircleCut/repositories

Contract Deployment => https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0xAdc64dfB793a9A40561A312D7E19029919021186#code

Phala Oracle Attestor => 0x7d1ea086a634ec2f3185f9f99921c523b8e950ea

Brick Profile => 0x0c0235d069a6ead25175f63feff3f2dfea6d6d5ae45ceb20e2edc4052f776f33