Updated 301 days ago

zk Buidlark Taipei

The ZK x TABEI x Ark Tpe = ZK BuidlArk Taipei aims to bring all zk enthusiasts and builders across greater APAC region with sharings from current zk projects builders, mentorship from major rollups as well as community support to embark on this zk ark journey!

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Ethereum
  • zkBNB
  • Starkware
  • Scroll
  • Chainlink
  • Defi
  • ZK
  • Privacy
  • zkSync
  • zkEVM
Taka Kao Core Contributor to TABEI, COO of Zomma Protocol Taka served as a manager at the Industrial Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) Center for Large-scale Data Analysis and presided over related projects. He also assisted in coordinating technology policies at the Science and Technology Advisory Office of Executive Yuan. With government support, he has been organizing the Taiwan Blockchain Summit every year since 2016 and will soon be holding the 8th year in 2023. In 2019, Taka founded TABEI and in 2020 the association acquired the operating qualifications of N24 ARK.TPE Blockchain Incubation Base, with the goal of integrating hybrid scenarios for concept verification and increasing public and industrial understanding of blockchain and metaverse.
Charlotte J.