Updated 18 days ago

Certi - Digitalize Real World Certificates

'Certi' is a solution that allows you to digitally issue, manage, and prove Real World Certificates such as degree, award, and diploma through Non-Transferable NFT.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Klaytn
  • NFT
  • Social

Members 5



  • In the current job search process, the system that the certificate is issued and attached is as follows.
  1. Certificate Issuance Institutes : Universities, companies, educational institutions, hackathons operate certificate-related programs
  2. Certificate Receivers : Participate in each program and obtain a certificate(e.g. degree, diploma, award etc) of completion
  3. Certificate Receivers : Attach the certificates to the resume, fill them out, and submit them to the company
  4. Company HR Department : Verify the authenticity of the certificates specified in the resume

However, there have been problems with this. 공백용이미지.png


1. Certificate Issuance Institute’s Problem 02-01.png

  • Certificate Issuance Cost
    • Each issue of a certificate and listing (paper printing + case) costs an average of $10 continuous.
    • In the case of a korea public education institution (ICT Innovation Square, nipa), it spends $20,000 annually issuing 2,000 certificates of training program completion.
  • The difficulty of continuous Graduate Managment & Feedback
    • After the program, management and feedback are possible only through passive methods (e-mail, survey)

공백용이미지.png 2. Certificate Receiver’s Problem 02-02.png

  • The inconvenience of Certificate Attachment
    • When writing one's resume on existing HR platforms such as LinkedIn, Wanted, saramin, it is cumbersome to enter relevant information about certificates one by one.
  • The Difficulty of Management
    • Certificates in the form of paper are inconvenient to store and risk being lost.

공백용이미지.png 3. Company HR Department’s Problem 02-03.png

  • Consumption of resources (time, manpower) for certificates authenticity
    • Since current HR platforms' certificates are freely written by users, the only way for the company's HR employees to verify whether they are real or fake is to directly verify by phone or e-mail to the universities, companies and institutions.



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[Product Introduction]

1. Certi - backoffice (for company) (If you want to use the back office for evaluation, please apply on the landing page!)

  • A Digital Certificate Registration and Issuance : Partnership Institutions can register and issue their own digital certificates.
  • A Digital Certificate Dashboard : Partnership Institutions can check the certificate data and program completion data issued so far.
  • A Digital Certificate Tracking (to be updated): Partnership Institutions can check which companies the certificates are employed by or what other education they have taken.


2. Certi - Platform (for users)

  • A Digital certificate Attachment : providing a link to show the digital certificates I have collected so far to the outside or to attach to my resume


  • A Digital certificate visible ON/OFF : When sharing a digital certificate externally, it is possible to hide things you do not want to show open to the public.png
  • Other programs TAB : Depending on the certificates I have, Platform recommends suitable job openings, other educational programs that would be good to learn, or hackathons or contests that would be good to participate in.


[Commercialization Strategy]


  • It provides free digital certificate issuance services to universities, companies, educational institutions, and hackathon competitions. so this time, we issued a certificate of completion for the 5th ‘Protocol Camp’ (2023.09.11 ~ 2023.12.01), a blockchain camp hosted by Hanwha and Hashed. 프로토콜캠프.png

  • Unlike analog certificates that were previously issued on paper, there are no issuance costs, and a graduate management system (back office) can be provided.

  • Those who have received a digital certificate naturally flow into the 'Certi' platform to manage the digital certificate they have received. 공백용이미지.png 공백용이미지.png 05-02.png

  • It recommends other programs such as education and hackathon that users may be interested in based on certificates (degrees, awrads, diploma)

  • In the case of this screen, a blockchain-related program is recommended because the user previously has a blockchain-related certificate (Protocol camp diploma)

  • In this way, we generate revenue by providing efficient advertising functions to educational institutions and program operators. 공백용이미지.png 공백용이미지.png 05-03.png

  • The ‘Certi’ digital certificate issuance service will not stop at simply being a ‘certificate issuance’ service, but will evolve into a ‘recruitment matching service with a diverse user base and reliability.’

  • Through our free digital certificate issuance service, we will allow job seekers to come in periodically from educational institutions and quickly accumulate reliable career data.

  • This solves at once the biggest concerns of existing recruitment matching services: user inflow and reliability issues.

  • The three advantages of ‘1. high user inflow rate, 2. most users have received at least one job training, and 3. highly reliable career data’ provide sufficient differentiation to enter the existing online recruitment matching service market. 공백용이미지.png

[How can we contribute to Klaytn?]

1. Klaytn Digital Certificates Available on Existing Online Recruitment Platforms 공백용이미지.png 06-01.png

  • It allows users to conveniently prove their own digital certificates by partnering with existing online recruitment HR platforms (linked-in, Wanted, Saramin, etc.).
  • Users can prove their certificates through Klip or Kaikas wallet.

공백용이미지.png 2. Klaytn digital certificates that can be used on social media as well as for proof purposes 공백용이미지.png 06-02.png

  • On social media such as Instagram, Twitter, and KakaoTalk, many people boast of their degree, achievements, and jobs.
  • But now, it's not a cool way to show off their own achievements because they write them down in their profiles directly.
  • Therefore, when Klaytn-based wallets are connected on the SNS platform, users can naturally brag about their degrees and achievements. 공백용이미지.png
  • From a blockchain industry perspective, not a business, what we ultimately want to achieve is as follows.
    • Just as network technology has naturally established itself through useful apps in our daily lives, we want to ensure that blockchain network technology has naturally established itself through useful bApps.
    • So ultimately, just as AT&T, SK, KT, and LG networks permeate our daily lives, we want to make the Klaytn blockchain network permeate our lives. 공백용이미지.png

Thank you.