Updated 337 days ago

Candy Factory

Solana Compressed NFT is awesome but: Many people encounter challenges when starting to mint cNFTs, such as: Understanding how to manage a Merkle tree. Figuring out the process of minting cNFTs. Handling collection and creator verification. There is no available no-code tool for airdropping cNFTs. Collecting and managing holder wallets require a manual process. There is no airdrop API available for integration with business workflows.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Solana
  • Arweave
  • NFT
  • Infra / API
  • cnft


We see a lot of people struggling with cNFTs:

  • Many people encounter challenges when starting to mint cNFTs, such as:
    • Understanding how to manage a Merkle tree.
    • Figuring out the process of minting cNFTs.
    • Handling collection and creator verification.
  • There is no available no-code tool for airdropping cNFTs.
  • Collecting and managing holder wallets require a manual process.
  • There is no airdrop API available for integration with business workflows.

With Candy Factory, you can

  • Easy to launch your NFT airdrop without writing a single line of code.
  • Airdrop 1,000 cNFTs with only 1$.
  • Keep track of your airdrops over time, know exactly which wallets receive your airdrop.
  • Easily create a snapshot of token holders based on the collection.
  • Streamline wallet list management - no more need for Excel.
  • Gain valuable insights through analytics.
  • Seamlessly integrate the cNFT minting API, airdrop API and wallet management API into your business workflow. Everything you can do in the interface, you can also achieve with the API (coming soon).
  • Collect user wallets through the signup form (coming soon).