Updated 352 days ago

Hodla: Interoperable Archway Staking Experience

The core vision behind Hodla is to eradicate the barriers that hinder seamless staking experiences across diverse blockchain networks, starting with Akash and Archway. By providing a unified platform, we aim to free validators from the need to develop individual dApps, enabling them to concentrate on their primary responsibilities like validating transactions, participating in governance, and nurturing their communities.

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Solana
  • CosmosHub
  • Osmosis
  • Defi
  • Archway
  • Staking
  • Bro&Bro Indexer
  • Vercl
  • Alchemy
Daniel Kunis (point of contact), Co-founder, CPO & Investor relations. Ex-product manager at Yango, ios-developer at VK, intern at JetBrains. Bachelor in CS at ITMO, Aalto & Innsbruck Universities (4.95/5 GPA). https://www.linkedin.com/in/dankunis/, https://twitter.com/dankunis Kirill Semenov, CEO and modest code contributor. Ex-Yandex PM and data analyst at Yango. Has diverse experience in analytics, product management, front-end development and entrepreneurship. https://www.linkedin.com/in/kstrive Timofey Dolgunichev. Full-stack developer and our team lead. Has a huge experience in big corporations, ex-Yango senior dev. https://github.com/timadol Evgeniy Yakovishin. Full-stack developer and expert in the Cosmos Ecosystem and a true validator guru. Devops at POSTHUMAN validator team https://github.com/evgen3000 Artem Popov, UX/UI designer. Builds a beautiful user-centric experience. Ex-Yango designer. https://dsgn.pro/