Updated 423 days ago


TIỌWỌ̀BỌ́ is a decentralized signature request platform

  • Crypto / Web3
  • Polygon
  • NFT
  • Account Abstraction
  • Creator Economy
  • zkEVM

TIỌWỌ̀BỌ́ TIỌWỌ̀BỌ́ is a decentralized signature request platform ** Problem** The current and most famous signature request platforms are centralized and expensive. There have been many reports of these platforms suspending and de-platforming users, which has caused users to lose access to essential activities.

Also, Some of these platforms are not available in some regions and countries which leaves potential users in those regions/countries at a disadvantage.

Solution The solution built is a decentralized signature request platform

TIỌWỌ̀BỌ́ allows user to share documents and append signatures in a secure manner.

Users can access the platform from any region/country in the world without any fear of de-platforming or the sale of information to third parties because the core and leading features of the platform are smart contracts written and deployed to the blockchain network.

Some of the current features of TỌWỌ̀BỌ́:

Upload and Sharing of Files Instant deployment of contracts for each agreement Instant minting of contract documents and signature Access to view uploaded documents by parties involved Access control for users